Portsmouth News

How to choose the right eco-friendly sun cream


Staying in the shade, wearing hats and covering up are great ways to avoid sun damage. But as the world heats up and hot spells become common in the UK, we’re all going to be using more sun screen.

When it comes to skin cancer and ageing, the dangers of the sun’s rays mean we need to heed the Australian advice of “Slip, Slop, Slap”.

That is slipping on a shirt, slopping on the sun cream and slapping on a hat.

Unfortunat­ely a lot of typical sun cream ingredient­s are bad for the planet.

Here is my advice for helping you choose the most sustainabl­e options:

Choose mineral over chemical

There are two kinds of sunscreen – chemical and mineral.

Most of the sunscreens you buy in supermarke­ts and chem- ists are chemical-based.

This kind of sunscreen works by absorbing the sun’s UV light into the skin.

It then uses chemical reaction to change it into heat and release it.

On the other hand, mineral sunscreens sit on the skin’s sur- face and physically block the sun’s rays.

Usually based on zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, they are better for the environmen­t.

Help marine life

The main problem with chemical sunscreens is that their ingredient­s pollute the seas and the watercours­e, harming fish and sea life.

They’re banned in Hawaii due to the damage they inflicted on the coral reefs, fishes, sea urchins and seals.

Thailand has also banned their use in all its marine parks. This is why you see sunscreens marked “reef safe”.

Even if you aren’t swimming in a tropical sea where there are coral reefs, it’s better to opt for mineral sunscreen.

Chemical sunscreen damages marine life – including dolphins and turtles – in all kinds of seas, including the Mediterran­ean.

The chemicals also end up in our own water system when we shower them off at home.

Avoid the worst ingredient­s

As things stand, the term ‘reef safe’ isn’t regulated.

So, when buying sun cream, the thing to do is look at the ingredient­s list.

Oxybenzone and octinoxate are the things you most want to avoid.

Make a positive choice

In terms of eco-friendly products, Organii offers sunscreens suitable for families, kids and sensitive skins.

On the high street, Holland & Barret has banned chemical sunscreens and its own brand is both pocket and planet-friendly.

Alternativ­ely, look out for Hawaiian Tropic’s Mineral Milk.

 ?? ?? Eco-friendly sun screen (photo: Adobe)
Eco-friendly sun screen (photo: Adobe)

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