Pride Life Magazine

What it Means to Be an Ally to Moody’s LGBT Community

An Interview with Raymond W. McDaniel, Jr., President & CEO of Moody’s Corporatio­n


Q: The LGBTA ERG (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgende­r and Allies Employee Resource Group) has a number of senior allies within Moody’s. What does the word ally mean to you in the context of the LGBT community?

A: There is a difference between standing by and hoping for someone to win versus uniting with them and actively helping them to win. An ally is someone who is a visible helper who works side-by-side to further a cause or to achieve an outcome - even if it doesn’t affect them directly. In context to the LGBT community, this means an employee who is helping to champion LGBT causes by serving as a speaker, supporter and advocate.

Q: Why do you think it’s important for there to be LGBT allies at Moody’s?

A: Our efforts to attract and retain diverse talent won’t progress unless we have an active group of allies for all the ERGs. Allies help LGBT employees to know that it’s safe to be their authentic selves at work and to talk about their partners and families just like other employees do. This type of inclusive environmen­t helps LGBT employees thrive and contribute at a higher level, which in turn helps our customers and our business.

Q: Did anything surprise you about being an LGBT ally?

A: I was initially surprised at the lingering anxiety by some employees about being “out” at work. I took it for granted that LGBT employees felt the company was supportive of them, but in conversati­ons with groups of employees, I learned that’s not always the case. During one conversati­on, an analyst asked me if they can be themselves when meeting with customers and issuers, and I said “of course.”

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