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One in 14 people over 65 has dementia, with Alzheimer’s affecting 62% of them. There is no cure, but treatments can lessen symptoms and it is hoped that future drugs will slow the disease’s developmen­t. Besides finding suitable medical treatment, supporting your loved one can improve their wellbeing, says Dr Clare Walton from the Alzheimer’s Society.

LIVE FOR TODAY Encourage your loved one to keep doing the things they enjoy, and to try new things so they meet new people.

LET YOUR BODY TALK Positive body language with warm gestures like hand-holding and open, relaxed facial expression­s can speak volumes.

FIND THE FUNNY SIDE Humour is a great way to relieve pressure. Have a singalong or play a board game to keep their mind active.

HOME HELP Adjustment­s in the home can help them remain independen­t for longer. Create a dementia-friendly space with non-spill cups in the kitchen and memory aids, such as bright colour-coded labels.

STAY PATIENT Try not to rush your words and give them time to respond. Being kind and using motivating words will improve their self-esteem when it comes to tackling tasks and recall.

GET THEM INVOLVED Don’t leave the person out of conversati­ons. Involving them in elements of their care, like food prep, will empower them.

For more informatio­n and support, visit or call its helpline on 0300 222 11 22

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