Prima (UK)

‘Coraline is all I could have wished for’

Liz Arriens-troy, 44, from Worcester Park, Surrey, explains how her daughter – who has Down’s syndrome – turned her life Technicolo­r.


‘Christmas is a time to be grateful for those around you. Since the birth of my gorgeous girl Coraline, I’ve met the most wonderful people. From neighbours to nurses at our antenatal group, my husband Kevin and I have experience­d the love of the human spirit. I’m thankful for the incredible journey that bringing up a child with Down’s syndrome has been so far.

I met Kevin on the dating app Tinder at 39, and instantly felt at home with him. We knew we wanted a family, and within two years, we’d moved in together and were trying for a baby. I was thrilled when I fell pregnant quickly, and went on to have a straightfo­rward nine months.

When I gave birth to Coraline, I had no idea there was anything unusual when the doctors lifted her away and said a paediatric­ian needed to look at her. But then the paediatric­ian came to see us – and time seemed to stand still. “Your baby is exhibiting signs of Down’s syndrome,” she said. I remember thinking I’d never look at life in the same way again.

When Coraline was brought back to me a few hours later and I held her in my arms for the first time, I was still in shock, but I knew I loved her. Kevin rang our family and friends and said: “Coraline has Down’s syndrome, and all I want to hear is congratula­tions.” His positive outlook was infectious.

After five days in hospital, we brought Coraline home. Soon, family came to visit. With

her big blue eyes and blonde hair, everyone said she was adorable.

Our neighbour Margaret has been wonderful. She visited Coraline when she was a couple of days old and said, “I love her; I want to help you look after her.” I was so grateful and, since then, she and her husband

Dave have been amazing. I also get a lot of support from the charities Get On Down’s and 21&Co, where I meet other mums of children with Down’s syndrome. There’s always lots of cake!

The past two years have been a whirlwind. Of course, there are challenges, but I realise life is all about attitude; you can choose to be positive and happy, and that’s what Kevin and I have done. I write about my experience­s on my blog, which has given me a sense of purpose and has inspired me to write a column or book about our journey.

This September, Coraline started pre-school, and I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. She has grown into such a happy girl with a lovely little laugh. She adores looking in the mirror and splashing in water. She has been spoilt with toys, too. One of her favourites is a ball pit her godmother gave her, which Coraline would be happy playing in all day!

At Christmas, we’ll get all the family together and celebrate the community around us. The interactio­ns we have with people are so meaningful, I feel like

I’m living on a deeper level since we had Coraline. It’s like I see life in 3D now. Coraline is truly special; she’s all I could have wished for.’

‘Life is all about attitude; you can choose to be positive and happy’

 ??  ?? Little Coraline has just started pre-school
Little Coraline has just started pre-school
 ??  ?? Mum Liz now writes about her experience­s
Mum Liz now writes about her experience­s

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