Prima (UK)

Crop it off!

A short box jacket finishes off an outfit beautifull­y

- Taken from Rowan Knitting and Crochet Magazine 66

Knit a box jacket


To fit bust 81-86(92-97:102-107: 112-117:122-127)cm;

Finished measuremen­ts 89.5(100:110.5:120.5:129.5)cm; Length 46(48:50:52:54)cm; Sleeve length 45(45:46:46:46)cm


2(2:2:2:3) 50g balls of Rowan Felted Tweed in Seafarer 170 (A) and two balls in each of Boulder 195 (B), Clay 177 (C), Avocado

161 (D) and Delft 194 (E).

Pair of 3.75mm knitting needles 6.3(6.6:7.1:7.4:7.9)m of

7mm-wide braid

Sewing needle and thread.


27 sts and 48 rows to 10cm square over patt using 3.75mm needles.


alt alternate; beg beginning; cm centimetre­s; cont continue; dec decrease; foll following; inc increase; k knit; p purl; patt pattern; pwise purlwise; rem remaining; rep repeat; RS right side; st(s) stitch(es); ytb yarn to back of work; ytf yarn to front of work; WS wrong side.


With 3.75mm needles and A, cast on 121(135:149:163:175) sts. Joining in colours as required, now work in patt as follows: 1st row (RS) With A, k2, [ytf, slip next st pwise, ytb, k1] to last st, k1.

2nd row With B, k1, [ytb, slip next st pwise, ytf, p1] to last 2 sts, ytb, slip next st pwise, k1. These 2 rows form the patt and are repeated. Keeping patt correct, now work in patt in stripes as follows: work 1 row in C, 1 row D, 1 row E. The last 5 rows form stripe sequence. (Note: as stripe sequence is an odd number of rows, every other rep of stripe sequence will end with WS facing for next row.) Cont in patt until back measures 24.5(25:25.5:26:26.5)cm, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armholes

Keeping patt correct, cast off 5(6:7:8:9) sts at beg of next

2 rows. 111(123:135:147:157) sts.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 5(7:7:9:9) rows, then on foll 5(6:8:8:8) alt rows, then on foll 4th row. 89(95:103:111:121) sts. Cont straight until armhole measures 20(21.5:23:24.5:26)cm, ending with a WS row.

Shape shoulders and back neck

Next row (RS) Cast off 4(5:5:6:7) sts, patt until there are 25(27:30:33:36) sts on right needle, turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, at the same time, cast off 4(5:6:6:7) sts at beg of 2nd and foll 0(2:2:0:1) alt rows, then 5(-:-:7:8) sts at beg of foll 2(-:-:2:1) alt rows. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 5(6:6:7:8) sts. With RS facing, rejoin correct yarn and cast off centre 31(31:33:33:35) sts, patt to end. Complete to match first side, reversing shapings.


With 3.75mm needles and A, cast on 65(72:79:86:92) sts. Joining in colours as required, work in patt as follows:

1st row (RS) With A, k2, [ytf, slip next st pwise, ytb, k1] * to last 1(0:1:0:0) st, k1(0:1:0:0). 2nd row With B, k1, p0(1:0:1:1), [ytb, slip next st pwise, ytf, p1] to last 2 sts, ytb, slip next st pwise, k1. These 2 rows form the patt. Keeping patt correct, now work in patt in stripes as given for back and cont as follows: cont in patt until left front matches Back to beg of armhole shaping, ending with a WS row.

Shape armhole

Keeping patt correct, cast off 5(6:7:8:9) sts at beg of next row. 60(66:72:78:83) sts. Work 1 row. Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 5(7:7:9:9) rows, then on foll 5(6:8:8:8)] alt rows, then on foll 4th row. 49(52:56:60:65) sts. Cont straight until 28(28:32:32:36) rows fewer have been worked than on Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row.

Shape front neck

Next row (RS) Patt 35(38:42:46:51) sts, cast off rem 14 sts. Break yarn. With WS facing, rejoin correct yarn and work as follows: keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows, then on 3(3:4:4:5) foll 4th rows. 23(26:29:33:37) sts. Work 3 rows, ending with a WS row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 4(5:5:6:7) sts at beg of next row and foll 1(3:0:1:2) alt rows, then 5(-:6:7:8) sts at beg of foll 2(-:3:2:1) alt rows. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 5(6:6:7:8) sts.


With 3.75mm needles and A, cast on 65(72:79:86:92) sts. Joining in colours as required, work in patt as follows: 1st row

(RS) With A, k2(1:2:1:1), [ytf, slip next st pwise, ytb, k1] to last st, k1. 2nd row With B, k1, [ytb, slip next st pwise, ytf, p1] to last 2(1:2:1:1) sts, [ytb, slip next st pwise] 1(0:1:0:0) time, k1. These 2 rows form the patt. Complete to match Left Front, reversing shapings and working first row of neck shaping as follows:

Shape front neck

Next row (RS) Cast off 14 sts, patt to end. 35(38:42:46:51) sts.


With 3.75mm needles and A, cast on 55(57:59:59:63) sts.

Joining in colours as required and beg with 1st patt row, work in patt in stripes as given for Back and cont as follows: inc 1 st at each end of 13th(11th:11th:9th:9th) and every foll 12th(10th:10th:8th:8th) row to 87(69:79:63:67) sts, then on every foll –(12th:12th:10th:10th) row until there are –(91:95:99:103) sts, taking inc sts into patt. Cont straight until sleeve measures approximat­ely 45(45:46:46:46)cm, ending after same row of stripe sequence as on Back to beg of armhole shaping and with RS facing for next row.

Shape top

Keeping patt correct, cast off 5(6:7:8:9) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 77(79:81:83: 85) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows, then on 8 foll 4th rows. 49(51:53: 55:57) sts. Work 1 row. Dec 1 st at each end of next row and every foll alt row until 39 sts rem, then on foll 11 rows, ending with a WS row. Cast off rem 17 sts.


(make 2)

With 3.75mm needles and A, cast on 27(27:29:29:31) sts. Joining in colours as required and beg with 1st patt row, work in patt in stripes as given for back for 4cm, ending with a WS row. Cast off.


Join both shoulder seams. Sew sleeves into armholes, easing to fit. Sew side and sleeve seams. Using photograph as a guide, sew braid to neck, hem, front opening edges, and around cast on edges of sleeves. Sew braid across upper and lower edges of mock pockets and then attach mock pockets to fronts as in photograph.

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