Prima (UK)

Stay strong


‘After 30, we start to lose muscle mass and this only increases with age,’ says Mel Rutherford, Tier X Coach at Equinox (find her on Instagram @move_eat_lift). ‘The stronger we are, the more we’re able to do. As a bonus, we’ll look more toned, combating the dreaded cellulite and bingo wings, giving us a younger look.’ Try these smart home


Grab two light hand weights (small water bottles are great if you don’t have dumbbells). Take it easy and slowly at the start: the sets and repetition­s are your aim.



To help you get up off that sofa without assistance for years to come!

Stand in front of a chair and hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower yourself slowly to the chair, resting about 40% of your weight on to it, then squeeze your glutes (bum) hard to help you stand back up. Keep your chest lifted and drive your knees out throughout. Aim for three sets of eight to 12 repetition­s.



Improves back muscles and posture.

Rest your left hand and left knee on a sofa, right leg straight out to the side and solid on the floor.

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Imagine you’re pulling it into your pocket.

Keeping your elbow lifted, extend it so your arm is straight and the dumbbell is behind you. Reverse to the start position. Repeat three sets of eight to 12 on each arm, keeping your back flat throughout!



A must-do move for a youthful posture.

Lie flat on the floor. Raise arms straight up to the ceiling and both legs up, knees bent, to 90 degrees.

Slowly lower your right arm and left leg at the same time, until your arm and leg are just above the floor, with your back flat. Slowly return to the start position and repeat with the other arm and leg. Work up to three sets of 16-24 reps. As a challenge, try holding light dumbbells in each hand.

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