Psychologies (UK)


Hollywood child actress Rachel Hurd-wood swapped the red carpet for a yoga mat in her new life as a Pilates teacher and mum of two


Given that wellness is a lifelong endeavour, I thought it might be useful to differenti­ate between trends and fads. The former tend to spread slower and stick around for longer, while fads pop up and down like bio-hacked, spirulina-sprinkled, adaptogeni­c-drink guzzling Whac-a-moles.

For those who struggle with motivation, finding a flash of excitement might be the bridge from inertia to action. There’s no harm in giving new activities a try, even if they are gimmicky (goat yoga, anyone?). Besides, it’s hardly surprising that anything new or shiny grabs our attention – the average human attention span is now 8.25 seconds, shorter than that of a goldfish.

But I believe that what’s valuable lasts. That if a bandwagon is worth jumping on, it’ll be around long after its introducti­on to our collective psyche. Take Pilates, for example. An amalgamati­on of different discipline­s (yoga, breathwork, athletics, dance, martial arts), it was pioneered by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. His movement method was initially designed to rehabilita­te injured soldiers and, later, dancers, but it wasn’t until the 2000s that it became the phenomenon and gym-class staple that it is today.

I’d say that Pilates’ hundred-year history is fairly robust evidence of its merit; come for the abs, stay for the strength, suppleness and mind-body connection. Personally, I was drawn in by the fact that classes can be adapted to suit every body, from exercise newbies to athletes, during pregnancy, and postpartum. It can be a great standalone workout, as well as a supplement to other activities. Pilates purists may roll their eyes, but I’m also a fan of further hybrids such as Yogalates and Pilates HIIT – a bonus namaste here, a burst of cardio there.

I hope that the method’s legacy will live on to serve another century’s worth of people. That we continue to move mindfully and well, however we choose to do so.

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