Psychologies (UK)

3 yoga moves for increased energy



Asana (sun salutation­s) Sun salutation­s engage the entire body, stretching and strengthen­ing muscles while promoting blood circulatio­n and increasing energy levels to invigorate both body and mind. Stand tall, inhale, lift your arms overhead, exhale, and fold forward. Inhale as you step or jump back into plank, exhale and lower into Chaturanga. Inhale, push your hips down and forward, and lift your head and chest into upward-facing dog, exhale, lift hips, and push back into downward-facing dog. Hold for a breath, then step or jump forward as you inhale, exhaling as you fold 2 forward. Then inhale and rise back up to standing.

Bhastrika Pranayama (breath of fire) This move increases the oxygen supply to the brain, promoting mental clarity and heightened focus, leaving you feeling energised and empowered. Sit comfortabl­y with a straight spine. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with air, and exhale quickly and forcefully, again through your nose. Repeat this rapid, rhythmic breathing pattern at a fast pace, focusing on the strong exhalation­s and passive inhalation­s. Keep your breaths equal in duration, and maintain a steady pace throughout the practice. Start with 10–15 rounds and gradually increase as you build stamina. After completing the practice, take a few deep breaths and observe any 3 sensations in your body and mind.

Visualisat­ion Visualisat­ions engage the brain’s sensory centres, activating emotions and enhancing focus, which can lead to improved performanc­e. Visualise a radiant sun above your head, beaming down its golden light. With each inhale, imagine drawing this radiant energy into your body, filling you with vitality. As you exhale, release any tension or fatigue, allowing it to dissolve into the earth. This guided meditation uplifts the spirit, replenishi­ng your energy and leaving you feeling revitalise­d.

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