Rail (UK)

London Mayor accused of fares freeze U-turn


Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has been accused of breaking preelectio­n promises to freeze fares on public transport in the capital.

During his election campaign Khan said Londoners “won’t pay a penny more for their travel in 2020 than they do today”. However, he now says the fares freeze will only apply to single journeys. Passengers using Travelcard­s, Oyster cards or pay-as-you-go contactles­s cards will not benefit from his plans.

London Assembly member Caroline Pidgeon said: “I think you have broken your fares promise.”

However, Khan pointed out that the Department for Transport sets Travelcard fares, and claimed that 96% of commuting Londoners will benefit from the freeze.

The cost of the fares freeze is estimated at £640 million over four years, and the pay of London’s Transport Commission­er Mike Brown and other senior staff will be frozen for the full mayoral term. A “fundamenta­l review” of Transport for London’s (TfL’s) organisati­onal structure will take place, with savings of up to £25m estimated. Improved procuremen­t could save up to £60m, and “reprioriti­sation and consolidat­ion” of IT projects is expected to save up to £30m.

Brown said: “The Mayor has instructed us to ensure that TfL is the most efficient organisati­on it can be. By changing the way we are organised, by driving efficiency in every part of our business and by looking for further ways to generate more non-fares revenue, we will deliver a transport network that continues to meet the needs of a rapidly growing London.”

Drivers’ union ASLEF’s London Undergroun­d organiser Finn Brennan said: “Frontline services and staffing levels must be protected as passenger numbers continue to grow.”

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