Rail (UK)

Incorporat­ing the National Rail Convention


Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling and Parliament­ary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Business and Industry Richard Harrington are both confirmed to speak in the first session of the newly branded National Rail Convention.

RAIL’s annual National Rail Conference has been rebranded for 2018 to take place over both days of Rail Live. Four sessions over the two days will cover:

The UK’s Industrial and Transport Strategy - An opportunit­y to hear Government communicat­e industrial and transport strategy to the rail industry and supply chain, and have the opportunit­ies this provides to rail businesses explained.

With speakers from the Department for Transport, Department for Internatio­nal Trade and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Tomorrow’s railway people - As an industry, the importance of our people is often overlooked. Currently the skills gap is largely seen as a problem for the rail sector, rather than an opportunit­y.

This session will highlight that the skills gap represents an opportunit­y for business to develop competitiv­e advantages by recognisin­g and acting on the importance of its people.

The opportunit­y represente­d by devolved transport authoritie­s - Directly elected mayors and devolved local transport authoritie­s represent a fundamenta­l change in transport policy and funding. What priorities are key to these devolved transport authoritie­s, what strategies do they have in place and how should rail businesses engage with them?

Making innovation pay - The newly formed UKRRIN (UK Rail Research and Innovation Network) will explain how academia and industry can work in partnershi­p in an integrated manner to deliver on Government policy for technology, skills, exports, productivi­ty and capability.

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