Rail (UK)

Man attacks BTP officers after being refused travel


A man who attacked three police officers and a police dog at Nottingham on April 4 has pleaded guilty to two counts of actual bodily harm, assault with intent to resist arrest, assault of an emergency worker, possession of a bladed article, possession of an offensive weapon, and causing unnecessar­y suffering to a protected animal.

Two British Transport Police officers were on patrol at Nottingham station when they noticed Nelson Nelson trying to board a train.

After asking him if his journey was essential, he became abusive towards them. He was refused travel and escorted out of the station, where he punched both officers in the face.

Both were knocked to the ground, with one falling unconsciou­s and the other managing to chase after Nelson.

Nelson then dragged the officer into the road in front of an oncoming bus before heading to a building site opposite the station.

Officers from Nottingham­shire Police arrived to assist, whereupon Nelson charged at an officer and punched him. He then armed himself with a plank of wood with nails in and charged at a Nottingham­shire Police dog handler, hitting the dog multiple times with the wood.

After being detained and arrested for multiple offences, Nelson was searched and found to be carrying a lock knife.

The BTP officers were taken to hospital for treatment - one suffered severe concussion and bruising to her face, while the other suffered ligament damage to his jaw and thumb, as well as bruising and swelling across his body. The Nottingham­shire Police officer and the police dog did not require treatment.

“This was a truly horrifying incident which involved a sustained attack on multiple officers and a police dog, all just trying to do their jobs,” said BTP Chief Inspector Gareth Davies.

“There is never an excuse for this sort of behaviour, but it’s all the more shocking to think this violent rampage began after Nelson was simply asked if his journey was essential.”

He added: “Let me be absolutely clear: we simply will not tolerate aggression or violence towards police officers, and we will do everything in our power to ensure offenders like Nelson are brought before the courts to face justice.”

Nelson (29) pleaded guilty at Nottingham Magistrate­s Court on April 6 and has been remanded in custody until sentencing on April 27.

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