Rail (UK)

Beware of backdoor line closures


The safeguards against rail closures inserted into legislatio­n for the privatisat­ion of the industry, to allay fears that it would result in a renewed Beeching axe, have been remarkably successful.

Apart from the occasional little stretch of line and one or two unused stations such as Newhaven Marine, there have been no closures - or even threats of any. But campaigner­s (and I speak as honorary president of Railfuture) must be on their guard.

Local rail advocates along the BedfordBle­tchley line are concerned at the recent behaviour of West Midlands Trains (which operates under the name London Northweste­rn Railway). They report that London Northweste­rn has effectivel­y closed the line until further notice, with no trains since the middle of March.

Even before that, it was only running occasional services and not even providing bus replacemen­t services. Indeed, since the franchise was taken over by WMT last year, the service has been patchy and at times non-existent.

London Northweste­rn has also closed the Abbey line from Watford to St Albans, although at least that has a bus replacemen­t service.

According to local campaigner­s, various factors have contribute­d to the situation. The Vivarail trains have proved somewhat unreliable, and their light weight has apparently meant a risk that they are not compatible with the equipment at level crossings. There has also been a shortage of train crew and of signallers, but also suspicions that London Northweste­rn has used the excuse of the potential level crossing failures to withdraw services.

Richard Crane, who has long campaigned for improvemen­ts to the service, told RAIL: “We are in a real triangle of blame - LNW blaming Vivarail, Vivarail blaming Network Rail, and Network Rail blaming LNW and Vivarail. The passenger just can’t win!”

He claims London Northweste­rn is not promising to restore trains when the crisis is over, and asks: “Is this the return of closure by stealth?”

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