Rail (UK)

Stop & Examine


GWR keeps the kids busy.

Western Railway is helping the many parents who have found themselves home-schooling over the past few weeks, by providing online resources to help children pass the time with railway-related fun and education.

Its # GWREnterTr­ainment package provides interactiv­e documentar­y videos about the history of the railway, downloadab­le colouring sheets from GWR’s Iron

Horses of the West book, and a social media build-a-train competitio­n.

The latter has already proved to be popular with children around the country, who have been sending their inventive creations to GWR’s Facebook page.

GWR is planning a host of additional features, including activity sheets with word searches and quizzes. Plans are also under way for a short story

competitio­n and a special model railway of the Great Western network and the South West communitie­s served by GWR.

For more detail of what you can find on the dedicated webpage, visit: https:// www.gwr.com/ about-us/ media- centre/ entertrain­ment

■ Walk the Line documentar­ies about the history of the Great Western Railway. This is a series of nine short videos from when Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s great-great-great grandson followed in his ancestor’s footsteps in 2015, travelling from Bristol to London. There are some questions for kids to answer afterwards to check if they were paying attention!

■ Downloadab­le colouring sheets created by Bristol-based street artist Andy Council, intended to have children enjoying the delights of

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