Reading Today

Never give up hope


AS a fairly new minister, I’ve recently returned from a Year 1 Seminar (Into Officershi­p) at William Booth training college in


This involved times of Worship, Bible Study, retreat and also time for sharing testimonie­s, together and in small groups.

One of the main themes that came out of this time was that of hope. Hope for ourselves and hope for our churches.

Whatever our circumstan­ces were, we all had that assurance that God would be in the midst of it all.

This brought to mind that one verse from Hosea that says, “I will make the Valley of Achor (or troubles) a door of hope”.

The message that God had for Israel through Hosea was that he would transform her valley of troubles into a door of hope.

Hosea didn’t know much about hope; he seemed to have more troubles than anything else. He was married to a prostitute who worshipped other gods.

But God promises that he will make a way out. There was a door of hope for Hosea, but he had to walk through it to gain the victory.

During our lifetime, some doors open for us, while others close. Sometimes we miss the open door and we stand outside without going through, even though all the good things are on the other side. Sometimes we deliberate­ly shut the door because we’re scared to face what’s on the other side; scared to do what God is calling us to do.

But Jesus is there with us, standing right beside us, encouragin­g us through. When we realise that, we wonder why it’s been so difficult to take that step through the open door into the life that God has mapped out for us.

The door of hope opens to a life that God has prepared for us that is more wonderful than we can ever imagine.

Lt Portia Stirling-Mack, Officer at Reading West Salvation Army, writing on behalf

Churches Together in Reading

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