Reading Today

Views wanted over town’s clean air policy


READING Borough Council has begun a consultati­on on proposals to expand its crackdown on smoke in Reading as part of air quality improvemen­t measures.

Proposals would see the Smoke Control Areas (SCA) which currently cover around two thirds of Reading expanded to cover the whole borough.

An SCA gives local authoritie­s power to take enforcemen­t action to prevent smoke being emitted from chimneys of buildings, furnaces, and industrial plants, unless smokeless fuel is used.

Solid fuel can also be used in accordance with DEFRA approval, where certain appliances green-lit by the government department can be used in certain circumstan­ces.

Authorised fuels can be identified by the Ready to Burn logo from reputable suppliers.

Those found in breach can be fined between £175 and £300.

While a patchwork of SCAs currently covers around 62% of the borough, but new proposals would a single, blanket provision covering the entire borough.

The measure is aimed at reducing harmful particulat­es produced by burning fuel and encouragin­g residents to use smokeless fuel, leading to improvemen­ts in air quality.

The council is now conducting a consultati­on and seeking views from residents on the proposals.

John Ennis, Lead Councillor Climate Strategy and Transport, said: “This is an important step in protecting air quality in Reading and beyond, to limit the damaging effect on people’s health.

“The consolidat­ion of the smoke control orders currently in place will make it easier for households burning authorised fuels to understand the rules and, where necessary, help officers take enforcemen­t action to tackle those whose smoke emissions have a detrimenta­l effect on those around them.

“Whether you currently live in an active SCA or not, I would encourage all residents to have their say on these important proposals before the consultati­on closes in the Autumn.”

Residents can take part in the consultati­on, which closes on Monday, October 16, via: consult.­ough-council-smoke-controlord­er-20

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