Real Classic



Favolosso! I thoroughly enjoyed Reuben Fowles’ story of restoring his Guzzi 750 in RC154 and want to congratula­te him on a stunning and well executed job. I can well understand any Guzzi enthusiast swearing on their mamma’s grave that this gorgeous V75 was a rare model from the 1980s Mandello line-up. Not only is the expertlycr­afted V75 sweet on the eye, but the attention to detail is world class and a credit to Reuben’s creativity and engineerin­g skill. From every angle Reuben’s V75 looks like a zenith product from a factory in its prime. The stroke of genius is the marriage of the elegant Saddlecraf­t seat to the T5 petrol tank, beautiful yet simple. Yes, Tonti would be pleased. ‘Un fatto Italiano che il mondo invidia?’ Absolutely! Stuart Urquhart, member

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