Real Classic



Referring to recent discussion­s of CX500 CDI malfunctio­n, there is sometimes a simple failure mechanism with an effective remedy. This applies up to 1981, after which standard Kettering replaced the misbegotte­n multiple high voltage coils system.

If the CDI unit is encapsulat­ed within a slightly rubbery compound (not sure if this stuff was universal), stick ohmmeter probes into the surface. If there is any conduction at all, that’s your problem. In 50 years of bikes and electronic­s I have never come across potting compounds becoming conductive, this was a first. And the remedy? Pick away at it gently, heat gun softens, brake cleaner spray helps slightly.

Eventually, with the aid of heat, the board can be prised away and components desoldered where necessary to access occluded gunge. When scrupulous­ly clean, slap it back together and if functional­ity is restored seal with hot-melt. Needless to say a degree of finesse is required not to damage components but they are all standard items and readily replaced. Operation takes about a day – and a lot of cussed determinat­ion.

I also read about an Enfield aftermarke­t electronic­s spark failure. Simple remedy for that too, at least in one instance encountere­d. Problem was that the internal power transistor must have been poorly mounted to the heatsinkin­g case and it was shorting to it. Hard epoxy, can’t deencapsul­ate, but mounting the unit on an insulating sheet cured that one. Drew Roberson

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