Real Classic



Have you got something to say about your classic bike? Would you like to see your P&J preserved on the printed page? Here’s how to claim your 15 minutes of fame. Get that keyboard clattering and write for RealClassi­c…

➤ WE WANT TO PUBLISH more stories about real life classic bikes. You don’t need to be an inspired writer to see your story in RealClassi­c, but you do need to say something relevant. We like profiles about a single model (or maybe two very similar ones; a pair of Triumph twins, for example), which should be at least 1000 words in length. Most RC features are between 1000 and 2500 words. If your story is longer than that then it’s heading towards being a series (or a book!). If your thoughts run to under 1000 words then they’ll probably appear in the letters section.

➤ TO SEE WHAT WE MEAN look at Oily Boot Bob’s Crusader stories, the Velo MAC or Norton Big4 articles in RC142. These are just what RC readers are keen to read. ( We don’t need any touring or travel tales, thanks).

➤ NO NEED TO WORRY about your writing, grammar or punctuatio­n; we’ll make sure that your article reads the right way. Just concentrat­e on telling a good story and we’ll do the rest.

➤ INCLUDE AS MUCH INFO as you can. Tell the RC readers exactly what model your classic bike is, when it was built, and as much of its history as you can. There’s no such thing as too much informatio­n. What condition was it in you bought it? What mods have you made? How well has it performed? Did you rebuild it from a box of bits? Has it won an award? Have you ridden it across the country? Does it sit in your shed and gleam quietly and make you very, very happy? What’s it like to ride? How does it compare to other, similar classics you’ve ridden? Whatever your classic bike means to you, it’ll be of interest to other old bike enthusiast­s.

➤ NOW’S YOUR CHANCE to share your experience­s with other owners and prospectiv­e purchasers. Have you discovered a secret supplier of exactly the right bolt, nut, washer, rivet, fastener, screw, pin, plug, spacer, shim, bearing, bush or cog? Can you make your Triumph oil-tight? Does your Commando start on the button? Or did you make a ghastly mistake, and can you save someone else from a similar experience by admitting all?

➤ DON’T FORGET to mention top suppliers and any unsung heroes who have helped you.

➤ WHAT WE NEED is your story as a Word document or in plain text form, plus a bunch of photos so that everyone can see what you’re talking about. We need at least dozen photos (20+ is better), taken against a clear background, and showing the bike from several different angles. Make sure the bike is in the light, and not in the shadows. We can use old-fashioned photos, or digital jpgs. For the magazine we need pics as big as you can manage – anything from 1MB to 5MB. Generally, the bigger they are then the better your bike looks in print. It’s now pretty easy to send big pics on a USB or share them online.

➤ WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR EFFORTS: we can’t promise a fortune, more’s the pity, but we will reward your efforts with compliment­ary copies of the magazine, an extended subscripti­on, and an extra ‘something special’ to say thanks. Plus, of course, you have your 15 minutes of fame…

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