

Yasmin Boland reveals what’s in store for you this month

- Illustrati­on JESS PHOENIX

SCORPIO 24th Oct-22nd Nov

It’s your birthday month, but it’s not going too far to say that this month it might feel like it’s Christmas, too. Tap into the celestial goodness by forgetting the past, starting again and expecting the best.

SAGITTARIU­S 23rd Nov-21st Dec

If you can take time out this month, do it. Most of the astrologic­al action is taking place in your mysterious 12th house, which means you will benefit from stepping off the social whirl. Doing a social media detox or a retreat would serve you really well as we head for the end of the year.

CAPRICORN 22nd Dec-19th Jan

You need to mind how you go, especially if you know you have a hard-to-handle short fuse. One of your life challenges now is to learn to control yourself when others ‘displease’ you. Do your utmost to quell any urges to emote too fiercely, if there’s a personal or profession­al upset. Make a wish on 18th November.

AQUARIUS 20th Jan-18th Feb

This is still an amazing time for you profession­ally. You have expansive, lucky Jupiter in your sign, which is major and spells our ‘c-a-r-e-e-r s-u-c-c-e-s-s’ in your chart. Moreover, this month, lucrative Venus meets Jupiter, and there is a new moon in your career zone, too. Promotions and other good things are possible now. It’s time to go for it.

PISCES 19th Feb-20th Mar

Imagine if all your hard work of the past few months were to start to pay off in cold, hard cash? That’s what can happen now as work horse Saturn in your career zone connects with exciting Uranus in your finances zone. You can finally turn the pressure you have been under into actual money.

ARIES 21st Mar-19th Apr

The planets are lined up beautifull­y in your sex and money zone. Set your intentions. However, also note there is also tension in your relationsh­ip and career zones, too. Don’t waste the good November juju by losing your temper with someone, no matter how provoked you may feel.

TAURUS 20th Apr-20th May

Your love life should be getting better and better. You have the lucky planet Jupiter, romantic Venus and the new moon all in your love zone. Whichever way you slice it, there is love and romance in the air – plus, even your non-romantic relationsh­ips should be flowing quite well. Be optimistic, cheerful and generous and you will attract the same.

GEMINI 21st May-21st Jun

If you’ve been working on making a relationsh­ip (personal or profession­al) more secure, you could find that things really turn around in wonderful, unexpected and exciting ways. Less thrilling, but also great, is that you can start to enjoy daily life more. Now is a great time to rethink your daily work and wellbeing routines.

CANCER 22nd Jun-22nd Jul

Not to sugar coat it, life at home, with family and in your relationsh­ips looks fraught this month. If you’re living consciousl­y and trying to improve the way you handle conflict at home and work, breathe deeper in November, and count to 10 when someone stresses you, especially around 19th November. Manage this and November could yet be quite fun.

LEO 23rd Jul-23rd Aug

This month is largely about you learning how to argue. If the gloves come off and you say exactly what you think with no filter, you could get yourself into trouble, at home and/or at work. If you talk things through properly, you could find your personal and profession­al life starts getting better.

VIRGO 24th Aug-22nd Sep

Upsets to do with money are possible now. With Mars in your money zone, you’re extra driven when it comes to creating cash, and that’s a good thing. However, do make sure that you don’t go too far and too brashly in your keenness to boost your bank account. Think positively with cash and don’t let anyone draw you into an argument.

LIBRA 23rd Sep-23rd Oct

Your love life has been a tad up and down over the years. However, this month it looks like any efforts you’ve been making in the relationsh­ips department should start to pay off. Any relationsh­ip surprises this month should be good ones. Your self-esteem is also on the up and up. Perhaps the two are connected?

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