
THE BIG SQUEEZE Is it time for a pelvic floor revolution?

You know how important it is to keep your muscles strong, but what about the ones you can’t see? Nicola Down reveals why we need a pelvic floor revolution


Kegels (pelvic floor squeezes) are the exercise equivalent of a Martini: an anytime, any-place, anywhere affair, but most of us aren’t doing them. For some reason, it just seems odd flexing hidden-away muscles, hoping, somehow, it’ll benefit you in some way you can’t see and really aren’t quite sure about. Anyway, unless you’ve recently had a baby, they’re not a priority, right? But the truth bomb is that our pelvic floor is an overlooked secret weapon and we should all be exercising it. ‘Pelvic floor muscles are probably the most important, ignored and underappre­ciated muscles in our body,’ says leading pelvic floor expert Jane Simpson, author of new book The Pelvic Floor Bible. So, what’s the buzz? Well, essentiall­y, these muscles form a hammock that supports your uterus, bladder and bowel and, in their most basic form, stop these organs from falling out – something that’s known as a prolapse. They also prevent the horrors of urinary stress incontinen­ce when you laugh, sneeze or race after the bus. Plus, they’re key for a satisfying sex life. Because an orgasm is actually a series of muscle contractio­ns, the stronger your pelvic floor, the stronger your pelvic floor convulsion­s and the more powerful your orgasm. You get the picture. You want them firing on all cylinders. Lauren Roxburgh, a body alignment expert and author of new book The Power Source, also says that our pelvic floor is one of the body’s primary stress containers. ‘When we’re stressed, we tend to naturally and subconscio­usly clutch, clench and tense our pelvic floor, and this sustained tension and tightness effectivel­y clogs up our entire body in a chain reaction that works its way up to our cranium,’ she says. She also explains that in Eastern traditions, the pelvic floor is known as the root chakra – it’s where we literally ‘hold’ our fears. ‘It’s like if you flexed your bicep constantly and never let go: the muscles would become weak, exhausted and disconnect­ed, just like your pelvic floor does.’

Roxburgh, a Goop expert who counts Gwyneth Paltrow among her A-list clients, adds that if you want a strong, stable core, you have to start with your pelvic floor. ‘When we think of our core, we think of our abs and obliques, but our core actually starts down in the base or our pelvic floor,’ she says. ‘No matter how many sit-ups and crunches you do, you’ll never build the strength, length or grace you desire without first awakening and creating resilience and flexible strength in your pelvic floor.’

The other key thing you need to know? You may be in your pelvic floor prime right now, but that can change fast. ‘Problems can happen at any time in our lives and totally out of the blue,’ says Simpson. ‘Don’t think you’re immune to issues if you’re young or haven’t given birth.’ There’s no prize for guessing that pregnancy and a growing baby pressing down on your muscles can cause havoc, or that childbirth can give your pelvic floor one hell of a beating, but they’re not the only troublemak­ers. As with all muscles in your body, your pelvic floor can start to lose elasticity with age, plus hormonal changes during the perimenopa­use (which typically starts in your 40s) can also cause it to become weak. Constipati­on, which might be triggered by low-fibre or fad diets; chronic coughing or sneezing that you might experience thanks to conditions such as hay fever; and repetitive heavy lifting can all put your pelvic floor muscles under strain, causing weakness in the long term. Are you a fan of high-impact workouts like running or HIIT training? Then your pelvic floor might not be as cast iron as you think. A recent review in the Internatio­nal Urogynecol­ogy Journal concluded that these types of workouts could weaken the pelvic floor and increase the prevalence of urinary incontinen­ce. In fact, one study found that up to 80% of female athletes who did sports such as gymnastics and trampolini­ng suffered from problems. Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to give these up, but it’s yet another reason you need to keep up those Kegels.

Also, let’s get one thing clear right now: problems are common among us all, although we tend to keep quiet about them. The latest NHS figures say one in three of us will suffer from pelvic floor disorders, a general term for several conditions that affect the group of muscles responsibl­e for supporting your bladder, rectum and uterus. British women are behind in the prevention game, too. In France, post-natal vagina-tightening classes are the norm, with new mums being offered 10-20 sessions of la rééducatio­n périnéale – or physical therapy to retrain



the muscles of the pelvic floor, to you and me. ‘French women are highly motivated to get their bodies back after a birth, and that includes their pelvic floor,’ says Simpson. The bottom line? When it comes to your pelvic floor, it’s a case of use it or lose it. You need to keep these muscles strong by doing exercises, just like you would for any other body part. Study after study has confirmed that, done regularly, these do work, and can prevent and remedy problems (see below for your how-to). However, to nail these exercises you first need to learn how to isolate your muscles, so you can be sure you’re using the right ones. To do this, Simpson suggests sitting on the toilet with your knees apart. While passing urine, try to stop the flow by contractin­g your muscles up and inwards. Squeeze, lift and hold for a moment and then let go. ‘This is a good way of knowing which muscles you are contractin­g, but don’t do this on a regular basis, as it can be harmful to your bladder,’ says Simpson. ‘When having sex, squeeze your partner’s penis. This will also help you isolate your pelvic floor muscles.’ What’s also super-smart is to shoehorn your pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine (whether that means doing them while you’re taking your morning shower or brushing your teeth at night). Then, do extra squeezes whenever you can – as you’re queuing for your flat white or stuck at traffic lights. Keep forgetting? Download Squeezy (£2.99, itunes), an NHS physiother­apy app that will remind and time you. Roxburgh believes it’s also vital to cultivate awareness of your pelvic floor – to notice if you’re subconscio­usly tensing it throughout the day and not giving it a chance to relax. ‘Once you have this awareness, you can work to stop this pattern,’ she says. ‘Take a deep breath and visualise relaxing your pelvic floor.’

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