
STARS Your July forecast

Yasmin Boland reveals what’s in store for you this month


CANCER 23rd Jun - 23rd Jul

The new moon eclipse is in your sign and the full moon eclipse is in your Love Zone. In other words, it’s going to be an eventful month! Let go of the past and embrace the new.


24th Jul - 23rd Aug

It’s time for you to go a bit inwards. Do you meditate or do some other kind of self-exploratio­n? The eclipse reminds you that it’s important to tend to mental as much as physical health. You need to balance life’s demands with some Zen.


24th Aug - 23rd Sep

If you only do one lot of new moon wishing, do it on 2nd July after 8.16pm (right after the new moon eclipse takes place in your Wishing Zone). Any new moon in this part of your chart is powerful at putting your intentions out into the universe, but this month’s is particular­ly special.


24th Sep - 23rd Oct

The universe has a Catch-22 situation for you. On the one hand, you have amazing stars profession­ally: the new moon eclipse in your 10th House of Career means you can go ‘stellar’ at work. However, the full moon eclipse two weeks later reminds you not to burn the candle at both ends.


24th Oct - 22nd Nov

It’s time to weigh up where you want to be and where you want to focus your attention. If you’ve been dreaming of pastures new, you might realise that where you are is actually where you want to be. Or vice versa! It’s a time of radical turnaround­s, so don’t be afraid to change your mind.


23rd Nov - 21st Dec

It’s time for you to turn the corner financiall­y. There are two eclipses this month; both in the financial sectors of your chart. That means it’ll be hard to avoid some kind of change when it comes to property, possession­s and cash. Good or bad changes? It depends on the decisions you’ve been making lately. Avoid massive risks!


22nd Dec - 20th Jan

There are two eclipses this month, and both are hitting sensitive parts of your chart. For a start, there’s a new moon eclipse in your Love Zone, promising the beginning of something far-reaching in your love life. Also, there’s an eclipse in your sign. July is the month to grow as a person.


21st Jan - 19th Feb

They say that life is made up of all the little moments – that’s something for you to think about now. What kind of little moments are you having daily? Are you living in a way that’s supporting your dreams of where you want to be in life?

If so, great, but if not, it’s easier than usual to make changes now.


20th Feb - 20th Mar

There have been some tough times for Pisceans lately, especially in terms of how well they’re getting on with friends. If you relate to this, use July as your chance to make changes. Decide that you’re going to have more fun and be more fun to be around. Life pivots on the decisions we make.


21st Mar - 20th Apr

There’s a major message for you this month, and it applies for the next six months, too: balance your home life and career. If you know that you’re allowing one to dominate, address it. Also, a new start at home is possible. Aries who want to buy, sell or move have great stars.


21st Apr - 21st May

Now is the ideal time for you to start thinking in a completely different way. Do you sometimes terrorise yourself with your thoughts? It’s time to soothe your mind, and the way to do that is to start to look at the bigger picture. Top tip: meditate.


22nd May - 22nd Jun

There are big financial changes forecast for you, as the two eclipses trigger both of your Money Zones. If you’re under financial pressure, Saturn has a message for you: strategise and plan. Face hard facts about finances and act wisely, and you can transform them between now and 2020.

For your extended monthly forecast, visit Yasmin’s website


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