


Perform this workout as a circuit (six moves = one circuit). Go for three rounds, with a 90sec rest between exercises, and 2min between rounds.

WEEK 1: three rounds WEEK 2: four rounds WEEK 3: five rounds WEEK 4: six rounds

1 SHOULDER PRESS TARGETS: Shoulders, triceps, upper back DO: 10 reps on each side (A)

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with one end of a resistance band under your right foot and holding the other end in your right hand at shoulder height, elbow pointing out to the side.

(B) Brace your core, then press your hand directly overhead until your arm is fully extended. Pause at the top, then slowly lower back down to the starting position. Keep that core tight to minimise wobble.

2 MOTORCYCLE ROW TARGETS: Upper back DO: 15 reps on each side (A)

Tie a resistance band around a pillar, stair rail or heavy, stable piece of furniture. Stand facing the pillar, with your feet shoulder-width apart, left leg in front. With your right hand, grab the band. Hinge at your hips, with both knees bent, and pull the band to your body for 15 reps, then swap sides and repeat.

3 PRESS-UP TARGETS: Chest, shoulders, triceps DO: eight reps (A)

Pull the band across your shoulder blades and hold the ends in each hand. Get down into a press-up position.

(B) Slowly lower until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up. If you can’t perform a full press-up, just focus on slowing down the lowering (eccentric) phase as much as you can, allow your chest to hit the floor, then use your knees to come back up and reset.

4 BAND PULL-APART TARGETS: Upper back DO: 15 reps (A)

Stand with your feet together, holding a resistance band up at shoulder height, arms straight out in front of you and shoulder-width apart.

(B) Pull your arms wide and down so they come in line with your body. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lift back up to the starting position and repeat. It gets tougher with every rep.


TARGETS: Back, shoulders, chest, abs, hip flexors, quads DO: six reps on each side

(A) Attach your band to a table leg or similar. Get into a press-up position with your forearms on the ground, back straight.

(B) Grab the resistance band with your left hand, arm straight. Pull it into your body with a rowing action, then lengthen back out. Repeat six times while holding your plank. Reset and rest for a few sec when your reps are complete, then get back into plank position and row with the right arm. This one is a real killer.

6 LATERAL SHUFFLE TARGETS: Obliques, shoulders, adductors, abs DO: eight reps on each side (A)

Tie a band to a post and stand with your feet together, holding an end in each hand, arms out, knees and elbows slightly bent.

(B) Step to the right with your right foot, then follow with your left. Take another three or four steps, then move back. That’s one rep.

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