


Set a timer for 30min and do as many rounds as possible within that time, resting as often as you need to. Record how many rounds and reps you get through and, each week, see if you can increase the number.

1 SQUAT AND ROW TARGETS: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, back DO: 12 reps (A)

Tie the band to a post and hold both ends in front of you. Stand with feet just wider than shoulder width.

(B) Squat and extend your arms out in front of you as you come down, releasing tension in the band. As you come back up, pull the band back into your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. That’s one rep.

2 DEADBUG TARGETS: Core DO: six reps on each side (A)

Lie on your back and raise one leg, then the other, so your knees are in line with your hips and shins are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms above your chest, holding the band in your hands.

(B) Keeping your chin tucked, neck in a neutral position and lower back in contact with the floor, slowly lower your left arm and right leg to the floor. Reverse to bring them both back up to the centre, then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.


TARGETS: Chest, back, shoulders, triceps

DO: eight reps

(A) Start in a press-up position with your knees on the floor. Shift your weight forwards on to your hands and engage your core. Place the band around your hands.

(B) Lower down until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up. At the top, pull your right arm up, keeping your elbow close to your body, followed by your left arm. That’s one rep. Try to keep your hips in line with your knees and shoulders.

4 WALL SIT BICEP CURL TARGETS: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, biceps DO: 12 reps (hips parallel with knees) (A)

With the band under your feet, sit against a wall in a squat. Your back should be pressed into the wall and your legs bent at 90°. Hold the other end of the band in your hands.

(B) Hold the squat position and pull the band up towards your collar bones to complete 12 bicep curls, trying to keep your upper arms as still as possible. Don’t drop until you finish the set. Feel. That. Burn.

5 TRICEP PUSH-DOWN TARGETS: Triceps DO: 12 reps (A)

Loop your band around a stair rail or door, preferably just above your head height. Hold one end in each hand in front of you, with your bent elbows tucked into your sides.

(B) Stabilise your core and pull the band down, so your hands come just past your hips. Return to starting position, keeping your elbows tucked in.

6 BODY WEIGHT REVERSE LUNGE TARGETS: Quads, glutes, hamstrings DO: 12 reps each side (A)

Drop the resistance band for this one. Start with your feet hip-distance apart; step back on to the ball of your right foot, bending at the knee until your left thigh is parallel to the floor.

(B) Return to the starting position, then repeat on the left leg. Simple, eh?

7 SIDE PLANK TARGETS: Glutes, abductors, adductors, obliques DO: 20sec on each side (A)

Lie on left side with left forearm on the floor, left elbow under shoulder, legs extended and feet stacked.

(B) Lift your hips to form a straight line from head to feet. Engage your core to hold for 20sec, before dropping and repeating on the right.

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