

- by Dr Sam Bunting

Loved for her no-nonsense approach to skincare, the Harley Street skin specialist knows how to treat blemishes that pop up without warning.

‘As we get older, hormones and stress have a big role to play in unexpected breakouts; the contracept­ive pill, coil and interventi­ons such as IVF can all wreak havoc on skin, as can pregnancy and the menopause – but using the wrong skincare and cosmetics can aggravate and provoke blemishes, too. Target them with an anti-inflammato­ry ingredient, such as salicylic acid at a strength of 2%, or benzoyl peroxide at around 2.5-5% strength, and make sure that all makeup and skincare you’re using is non-comedogeni­c, which means it won’t further clog pores. While it’s tempting to want to dry out a spot, it’s much more beneficial to keep skin hydrated. Avoid any sort of blemish solution with the word ‘drying’ in its name – the dryness these cause is an unwanted side-effect rather than a desired outcome, and skin that’s dry is more prone to clogging up, triggering further breakouts (just think about how common breakouts are after long-haul flights). The risk of scarring or irregular pigmentati­on can be a worry with spots, but the less time a blemish is inflamed, the less long-term damage it will cause. A combinatio­n of salicylic and azelaic acids gets inflammati­on rapidly under control to reduce swelling and redness, while simultaneo­usly soothing skin to ensure no flaky patches. Going forward, using a retinoid with azelaic acid is my go-to combinatio­n for treating post-acne marks and preventing further breakouts, always followed with a good sunscreen.’

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