
THE HARDCORE ONE: Dr Mindy Pelz, holistic health expert


Dr Pelz has a totally different approach to midlife weight gain: fasting. This, she says, helps to reboot the microbiome and repair the gut, reducing insulin resistance and helping hormonal symptoms, too.

3 midlife musts:

1 The intermitte­nt fast (IF) of 13 hours without food is the entry level. ‘Push breakfast back an hour, then by two hours, until you feel comfortabl­e going 15 hours,’ says Dr Pelz. Work towards fasting from dinner to dinner (Dr Pelz also has a three- to five-day water-only fast). If you get stuck, you can have a ‘fasted snack’ – such as a spoonful of nut butter or a cup of bone broth.

2 If you have a cycle, the week before your period is a time for ‘hormone feasting’; you need carbs in order to make progestero­ne to support your cycle. NB, those carbs need to be natural carbs.

3 If you are on HRT or postmenopa­use, fast in a 5:1:1 pattern. Five days a week, do the 13 to 15 hour IF. One day a week, do a longer fast, perhaps dinner-to-dinner. And one day a week, eat as you like.

The perfect midlife meal The 3 Ps: The meal at the end of your fast should contain polyphenol­s (berries), probiotics (yogurt) and prebiotic fibre (nuts and seeds).

Most surprising advice: Eat ‘good’ oils (olive, avocado, coconut, grass-fed butter, raw nuts, ghee). Avoid ‘bad’ ones, such as vegetable oil and sunflower oil. ‘Good fats give you long-lasting energy. Bad oils block hormone receptor sites,’ says Dr Pelz.

The flipside: If your cycle isn’t regular, it’s hard to work out when you should fast. Also: not eating! More informatio­n: drmindypel­; The Menopause Reset and Fast Like A Girl (Hay House), both by Dr Mindy Pelz. Find the community group at

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