Rochdale Observer

Mayfield under 12s in trophy triumph


MAYFIELD’S under 12s collected their first silverware in the last game of the 2018 season, overcoming Waterhead 6-4 in the Oldham Cup Final.

In a tight game of minimal errors in attack and defence, Mayfield started strong and throughout the first half the Rochdale lads probed the Waterhead defence who stood firm, just holding up the potential try scorers on two occasions before Caleb Kynaston latched onto a Tyler White kick through to touch down under the posts.

Ben Williams converted, for what turned out to be the match winning points, and 6-0 lead.

The half ended that way and Waterhead came out firing – asking Mayfield to defend their line stoutly, which they did with aplomb.

Harley Hogarth took a number of high kicks well and returned them with interest, but Waterhead found space out wide on their right, scoring in the corner – too wide for a successful conversion to take the score to 6-4.

Thom Philips and Mason Andrews-Smith put in a massive defensive stint and with Mayfield having the better of the last 10 minutes of play as Max Boyes, Charlie Mckler and Tom Ratu made relieving runs up field, William May and Caleb Kynaston had scoring opportunit­ies denied. Waterhead fought to the end but Mayfield held out to take the cup.

Jamie Howe took the man of the match for his organisati­on, defensive and attacking play, but he was pushed all the way by players from both sides.

Mason Andrews-Smith, Harley Hogarth, Charlie Mckler, William May, Tom Ratu. Jamie Howe, Tyler White. Max Boyes, Ben Williams, Lewis Rook, Charlie Warburton, Caleb Kynaston, Thom Philips. Jacob Andrews-Smith, George Hartley, Toby Wrigley, Callum Pemberton-Brown.

Mayfield Mustangs junior rugby league are having a break in games for the winter – but training continues for all ages from 5 to 18. Contact Simon on 07920 865106 for details.

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