Rochdale Observer

Fears ‘lifeline’ centre for disabled could close

- Local Democracy Reporter

THERE are fears a ‘lifeline’ centre for disabled people could close for good - despite reassuranc­es from the council.

Nearly 1,300 people have signed a petition to save ‘Moving On,’ an Alkrington-based drop in service that helps those with physical or sensory impairment­s to live a full and active life.

The centre supports people who have an ‘acquired disability’ whether they have suffered a stroke, have an acquired brain injury or are living with a long-term health condition.

Its doors have remained closed since lockdown was announced in March but, since then, Rochdale council has held a review of some of its adult social care services.

Bosses insist they are not making cuts but ensuring specialist support is in place for some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents.

Worried service users, however, say they have had no contact with staff for six months and there appears to be no plan to reopen the doors.

They fear the service could become centred around home visits, telephone calls or online support - depriving them of a place to meet people and make friends.

A statement from an adult social care boss reiterates the emphasis on making services better and more responsive, but does not categorica­lly rule out the closure of the Hardfield Road centre.

Steve Blezard, the council’s adult care director of operations, said: “Our proposals are about improvemen­ts, not reductions. We are expanding the quality of our services but, to provide further reassuranc­e, we will be carrying out further engagement over the coming weeks. The individual service needs of our residents is always our number one priority.”

The Local Democracy Reporting Service has also seen an email from a senior adult social care staff member to service user Nancy Pearson.

In response to Nancy’s request for an update and a timeline for reopening, they write: “Apologies for any confusion, but I did not say the centre would be re-opening or carrying on as normal, but that this consultati­on is about prevention services as a whole, not just Moving On.”

They add the proposals ‘do not include any closures or savings, (but) may change the way in which we deliver preventati­ve services overall to be boroughwid­e.’

Nancy lost the sight in her right eye after an operation and had to give up her nursing career. The mum-of-three, who also has asthma and a heart condition, admits she found herself in ‘a very dark place’ before being referred to Moving On around three years ago.

“They have been really, really good to me at Moving On, I don’t think I would be where I am today if not for them. I was in a rut,” she said. “As you can imagine, after losing your career you get really depressed. It’s the only place some people get out to and see people. Some don’t have a husband or any family. They are desperate to get back to the centre, because of Covid they have all been isolating and are not feeling supported at all. They feel safe at this place, if it closes it’s going to have a huge impact on them.”

Another service user calling for the centre to reopen as soon as possible is Joanne Granger, from Rochdale. She had worked as a senior support worker herself for 18 years before suffering a stroke in January 2017.

“Without the centre I don’t think I could have progressed as far as I have,” she said. “I still don’t go out on my own, I still can’t walk properly. As an individual I feel quite vulnerable, I don’t use public transport, I don’t go anywhere apart from the centre - it’s like a lifeline.

“You need that social interactio­n. I need my mind to be stimulated with some normal face-to-face conversati­on There are people there I have become really close to. As sad as it sounds, when something like that happens (a stroke) your friends disappear.

“To me, it’s somewhere I can go and be me for the day. That sounds really sad, but it’s everything to me, to think we will never go back is heartbreak­ing.

“That’s my reason to go on. I have no other reason to sit in my flat day after day like I have for the last six months. You can’t make friends over the telephone and internet.”

Rochdale council has told service users there is no update on the situation at this time but once there is it will shared with ‘all affected parties.’

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