Rochdale Observer

Close at the double


under way in comical fashion, almost gifting Bolton the lead within five seconds had it not been for some alert defending.

The away side composed themselves and typically spread the ball around the pitch with Andy Meanock and Bjorn Brauns combining to good effect down the left.

With Rochdale probing for a clear opportunit­y and Kane Morgan playing as a high forward, half chances came their way when Dean Close and Broadley linked up intelligen­tly down the right to deliver into the ‘D’ to both Morgan and Massey, but a deft touch was not to be and Bolton were to re-set for a 16 yard set piece.

With chances coming for both sides it was a defensive error from the Bolton captain which led to a first short corner of the afternoon for Rochdale.

With Bolton growing into the game they slowly edged closer to the Rochdale ‘D’.

Looking down the right channel they mirrored Rochdale’s approach, flashing a few crosses of their own but with no support in the middle.

Rochdale introduced Sham Ahmed, making his Rochdale debut midway through the half, the experience­d midfielder taking the game in his stride with composure on the ball. With both teams battling for the first goal, both defences were tested in the later stages of the last half.

Adam Massey finding space in the ‘D’ from a Close delivery had two shots saved in quick succession, a first shot to the pads bouncing back to him and his second luckily deflecting off the grounded keeper to loop over the bar.

Rochdale were knocking on the door and more chances came their way. Morgan’s turn and shot out wide drawing another safe from the keeper.

It was the same at the other end, Bolton twice flexing their hard hitting with shots out wide.

The game started to open up with Rochdale edging the battle as the team most likely to score creating clearer chances on goal. Finding space after a well worked move from the back line, Liam Nutter’s ball to Brauns saw him turn his marker deep in his half and charge toward the Bolton goal, finding Massey. The captain played in an unmarked Morgan, with the keeper rushing out, with no time, the striker placed a first time shot just beyond the post. After a few more half chances and a short corner a piece the first half drew to a close with the game still 0-0.

The second half started more cautiously for both sides. Rochdale started deeper, staying organised and compact. Bolton deploying a short game of their own looking to break through the ‘orange wall’, but to no success.

Rochdale looked solid at the back during open play. Bolton looked to short corners for the elusive goal. It was within these opportunit­ies Rochdale were given a few scares.

The first short corner hit with great power wide of the goal, but it was moments later when they were gifted another short corner. This time the initial shot was well saved by James Deacy only for the stranded keeper to lay helpless as the Bolton forward swung and missed the rebound from five yards.

It was a lifeline for Rochdale, a lifeline eventually waking them up.

The game started to turn physical, Brauns turning his marker to only be caught with a body charge knocking the wind out of him. Manny Ahmed breaking forward through the middle with pace was brought down again with Rochdale having numbers in support – the match was now a midfield battle ground and neither side looked like scoring.

Rochdale changed their approach to a more direct approach and with the away side’s forward line now higher up, Flying Horse man of the match Meanock started to boss proceeding­s in midfield with skill and precision, allowing Rochdale to stay fluid in each march toward the Bolton goal.

The pace turned elewre ctric and the Bolton side unable to cope with the lengthy periods of tempo started to show in their game.

With just over 15 minutes to go Rochdale found the breakthrou­gh they thoroughly deserved. Initial good work from Tim Liptrot at the back and Dave Marlow released an energetic Ellis Barnes. Rochdale moved up the field with a sense of purpose.

In a great move involving six players, Sham Ahmed found Massey unmarked in the ‘D’, his touch and pass right back across goal was met by a surging Close to tap home and give Rochdale the lead at 1-0.

Rochdale moved to a half press to protect the lead. leaving Bolton with no options to break through, slowly creeping forward, the away side broke up the threat and patiently reverted back to a simple pass and move process.

Little time was remaining on the clock and Bolton were also running out of gas, the closing stages of the second half opened further for Rochdale with the team most likely to score.

With fatigue setting in for the home team they were ultimately to fall behind further when Brauns combined with Morgan to find Massey once again unmarked. The captain’s first shot from close range popped back out to Close who quickly adjusted his feet to sweep a reverse hit into the empty net to secure his and Rochdale’s second goal.

With Bolton calling for an infringeme­nt prior to the goal, the umpire stood firm with his decision, Rochdale were two goals to the good and celebrator­y mood. Again, reverting to a half press, Rochdale saw out the game to claim the spoils and three points with a excellent team performanc­e.

Flying Horse Man Of The Match was Andy Meanock.

Rochdale Mens 2s will next entertain 2019/2020 Division 4 league winners Kendal Mens 2s at Oulder Hill on the 3rd October 2020.

 ??  ?? Dean Close scored both Rochdale goals. Right: Andy Meanock
Dean Close scored both Rochdale goals. Right: Andy Meanock
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