Rossendale Free Press



FINALISTS unveiled for this year’s Rossendale Business Awards. A record 45 of the Valley’s finest firms have been shortliste­d (website, November 3) Janet O’Driscoll: Thank you to everyone who nominated Made in Haslingden, we are so proud to be finalists. It really means something to us that we are recognised as making a difference to people (and carers) who are living and coping with dementia. Also we are so proud that we have been able to reach out to the community offering social interactio­n to residents who may be lonely, isolated or depressed. We have been privileged to meet you all, and hope to meet many more of you in the future. Christine Lamb: Good luck Rossendale Rubicon Lisa Valentine: Good luck Luci Jade Heaps.

INEVITABLE that funding cuts will hit state of Valley’s parks - council chief. It comes after concerns were raised over Whitaker Park (website, November 3) Michael Sutton: Before you criticise the local council for not spending the money on the park, remember that it is central government that cut massive chunks from their income. And then think who did you elect as an MP? Was it by any chance a CONSERVATI­VE? Graham Wright: We were in Stubbylee Park in Bacup yesterday. Haven’t been there in ages but I was impressed. Nice and today (council workmen busy clearing away leaves etc). Pump Track, skate park playground and nice walking and a nice little cafe. Hardly anyone else around there and at half term ? Lisa Michelle Bloor: It’s had investment from outside the council. Many grants are available but the council can’t apply for them, they need community groups to access the monies. We are currently working with Proffitts CIC in Rising Bridge who are helping us access the much needed funding for our playground. Steve Chappell: Drains been blocked for years , surface drains been pushed out of line with workers vehicles, bins missing, overgrown. I go there everyday as do a lot of others, something free we should be proud of. Katy Ann Howard: Why not bring the community together and provide a lock up with equipment and designated volunteers? The main volunteers could liaise with the council. I’d be willing to man it. Haydn Goldsworth­y: Try looking at Edgeside Park. Whittaker is Chelsea while Edgeside is Accy Stanley. Emma Smith: At least your kids have parks Newchurch hasn’t got anything for the kids to do.

ROSSENDALE Scribbler: Is it time to put our efforts into a new pool for Haslingden? (Free Press, November 3) Janet O’Driscoll: Haslingden pool offered a home to Rawtenstal­l swimming Club when Marl Pits pool was closed. We were eternally grateful for their support. My husband, at the age of 40 learnt to swim at Haslingden Pool, that was the only place in the Valley that offered adult lessons. Jake Atkinson: I have very fond memories of this pool. My sister was a good swimmer and was swimming in a competitio­n there in the mid-80s and we all went to watch her.

BACUP police in crackdown on teenage vandals (website November 3) Nathan McLean: Something further should be done in that if their families live in social housing, then as they will be in breach of their tenancy, the family should be evicted. Put some responsibi­lity back onto the parents to hand out discipline to their children. Michael Pollard: As a resident of the valley, Bacup has been notorious for anti social behaviour for a very, very long time. Danny Whatmough: It’s ridiculous to think these kids keep getting away with all this. The local authoritie­s should be taking more action and bringing these rascals to justice and stop vandalism across the valley. My scooter has been stolen on numerous occasions and my dust caps pinched.

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