Rossendale Free Press

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THOUSANDS of new homes ‘could push our road junctions to breaking point’. A study identifies 15 Valley junctions facing ‘significan­t capacity issues’ from house building targets (website, March 5) Peter Wood: £40,000 spent to identify 15 congested junctions in Rossendale...could anyone have told Rossendale Council that for less? Kristian Schofield: Then they wonder why they have no money! Marion Thompson: Had to be done officially for the local plan. Joe Bloggs’ opinion doesn’t count. Peter Wood: £40K, that’s £2,666 per junction. Seems expensive. Chris P Bacon: Rossendale’s road improvemen­ts speak for themselves, a good example of Rossendale’s improved traffic capac- ity is Rawtenstal­l centre. Andrew Walmsley: The report required by LCC confirms what most of us that travel up and down the valley already know. But unfortunat­ely our view doesn’t count, hence the required highways capacity study. Peter Wood: “Council leader Alyson Barnes said the Valley was already struggling to cope with its traffic issues, and she would be contacting county hall about the Rawtenstal­l gyratory.” Why o’ why didn’t Alyson Barnes do something about it then when she had the opportunit­y when she was a county councillor and part of the controllin­g group? Kristian Schofield: Common sense would tell you that the valley’s roads are already over capacity and seriously under maintained! Chris P Bacon: By the time it gets to that point at current rates the roads will be undriveabl­e anyway, so just keep paying your council tax and keep watching the roads deteriorat­e. Annette Davidson: The roads are already at breaking point, literally if you drive down Broadway. Abdul Mannan: Do we have enough GP capacity? Andrew Walmsley: A very good question, also schools, dentists. The government numbers on housing numbers in Rossendale in my opinion are not practical. Chris Durrant: Scary as Rossendale’s population density is twice the national average! Abdul Mannan: Do we have enough school places? Ryan Noon: Let’s be realistic, we barely have roads at the minute so the junctions are a minor detail.

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