Rossendale Free Press




I AM writing to ask if your readers might be able to support our endeavours’?

In late December 2017 we were awarded a Community Radio Licence by Ofcom, who then give us up to two years to get ‘on air’.

We have formed a not- for-profit company and have created a three-phase approach to getting Rossendale­s ‘ Voice of the Valley’ radio station up and running.

Phase 1 is to secure premises and raise enough to obtain the various permission­s and licences for us to operate.

Phase 2 is to equip and build two studios and office accommodat­ion.

Phase 3 is to get on air, 24/ 7 with presenters producing live programmes from 7am - 10pm daily.

This will take around £ 15,000 to get in a position to go live and a number of fundraisin­g and grant acquisitio­n initiative­s have started.

Your readers can help by: looking at our Facebook page, Twitter or website (www. rossendale­radio. com), holding a fundraisin­g event for us or by donating any amount that can be spared.

Donations can be made via Paypal at petesweetm­ore@ rossendale­radio. com or contacting me at the same address.

We hope to get up and running by the end of 2018.

So any help your readers can give will be very appreciate­d. Peter Sweetmore Chairman Rossendale Radio Ltd


I AM sure I can’t be the only resident who is totally frustrated and annoyed by the amount of fly tipping.

I am constantly bringing the same grot spots to the attention of the council.

Whilst they always clear them up, eventually, I feel more could be done to identify and possibly prosecute the culprits.

I have even seen boxes with addresses on?

The problem won’t abate if nobody is brought to book.

Also could the refuse collectors not have a system to record, report these obvious problems?

Don’t get me started on Grane Road - it has become an absolute eyesore. ‘Boynerover’ via email

 ??  ?? Fly Tipping on Labernum Street, Haslingden, prior to a council clean-up in January
Fly Tipping on Labernum Street, Haslingden, prior to a council clean-up in January

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