Rossendale Free Press

Sad that such low number of people chose to vote

- Alyson Barnes Council leader

I WOULD like to start by thanking all those who voted in the recent local elections.

This democratic process forms a fundamenta­l part of our society, and how it functions. It saddens me that such low numbers of people choose to participat­e in these elections.

Why that is and what we can do about it may be best left for another day but I do think the language and conduct of political parties in election campaignin­g probably doesn’t help.

For those of us who have been elected, it is of course a great honour and privilege to serve our communitie­s in this way.

The electorate have placed their trust in us to represent them, and do the very best we can for the borough. I hope now that the elections are over for this year that more effort will be put into finding effective ways to work together for the benefit of our residents.

Given it is a new municipal year I thought it would be a good time to outline once again what the Labour Group on the council are trying to do.

Our aim has been a simple one – bringing in as much investment into the borough as possible to invest in our town centres, and facilities. Everyone would agree that our town centres are beginning look better because of this work.

We are trying to do this whilst attempting to protect, and improve some of the facilities that people care about too.

The Whitaker, Ski Ross, investment at Haslingden sports centre, and the cycle route from Rawtenstal­l to Whitworth, to name a few.

We also work closely with groups like Civic Pride to ensure that even with diminishin­g budgets that Rossendale is still an attractive place to live.

We do this at a time when government cuts have reduced RBCs budget by £4.5m a year.

The Empty Homes scheme has presented the council with some real challenges, and absorbed funding that could have been used elsewhere, that said the scheme has brought 300 terraced homes back into use – something people seem keen to see happen.

These homes are now housing 300 families who are paying rent and council tax too.

One of the things we need to consider in the future is how we work with other authoritie­s. Work on the Lancashire wide combined authority is painfully slow.

There is now talk of resurrecti­ng discussion­s of a unitary authority for East Lancashire, which given our increasing­ly difficult financial environmen­t we work in is worthy of serious discussion, and debate.

As ever, if you would like to speak to me directly then please do not hesitate in getting in touch, on 07817 414248 or email alysonbarn­es@ rossendale­

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