Rossendale Free Press

Rossy edged by Wood’s accuracy


NORTH PREMIER SANDAL ........................ 49 ROSSENDALE............... 48 GEOFF LIGHTFOOT IF this game proves to be one of the crucial results of the season then the boot of Greg Wood will certainly come back to haunt the Marl Pits side.

Although winning the try count 8-6, Wood’s 19 points from five conversion­s, a penalty and two drop goals, edged the game in the Yorkshire side’s favour.

Yet, result apart, this was a superb exhibition of rugby which held the interest of the crowd right through to the final whistle.

Sandal took the early lead with two converted tries from Austin and Declan Thompson before Rossendale came into the game with a try from a rolling maul Tom Waring claiming the honours.

The visitors came again and in similar fashion drove Rob Bramhall over. Alex Ward adding the conversion.

James Ellar pulled a third back for the home side.

The repost from Rossendale was swift, George Peel, benefiting from a break and good hands down the line went over for his side’s third before a penalty from Wood who had also ●● George Peel was among the try scorers for Rossendale at Sandal slotted three of his conversion­s closed the half with Sandal 24-17 ahead.

A second for Ellar, converted by Wood and a try for John Allott followed by the first of Wood’s drop goals gave the home side a 39-17 lead in the second half.

However Rossendale rallied again and through good work by the pack Matt Blackman brought up the bonus score.

Neat interplay created the opportunit­y for Curtis Strong to coast in for the fifth, Ward slotting the extras and with Harry Moulding coming off another rolling maul to claim the sixth Rossendale were back in touching distance at 39-34.

A second drop goal from Wood afforded a two score advantage and with Simon Frewin bringing up the sixth again Wood slotting the conversion Sandal looked well clear at 49-34.

Yet with Strong taking the defence on the outside and Jordan Lord busting through tackles off a driving maul both converted by Ward Rossendale were within a point at 49-48 at the final whistle.

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