Rossendale Free Press


TRICKETTs Insurance Brokers has Been in The Business of proTECTing asseTs for over 135 years.


In the wake of a very frustratin­g, difficult and restrictiv­e year, Tricketts Insurance Brokers, Rawtenstal­l is keen to engage in a positive initiative, invest in the Rossendale community and better our local environmen­t.

WhaT’s The proBLEM?

Flooding and storm damage claims are on the rise and many insurance policies in and around the valley now have flood exclusions, due to businesses being located near to the several waterways that run through Rossendale.

February 2020, was one of the wettest on record, arguably due to changing weather and climate change. Additional­ly, changes to our rural and urban landscape, with the increase of impermeabl­e surfaces such as roads, pavements and driveways mean that excessive rainfall now poses a greater risk to properties.

Why planT TREES?

Rossendale Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and the once forest of Rossendale is now in the top 20 areas in the UK with the least tree coverage.

Trees are the ‘warriors’ in our battle against climate change. They lock up carbon, they fight flooding and they cool and purify our air.

Tree’s slow down and intercept rainfall, spreading the effect of a storm. Tree root systems absorb water, reducing surface run-off whilst trees, shrubs and deadwood planted along riverbanks and lowlands act as a drag on flood waters.

Lastly, who doesn’t enjoy walking in our beloved valleys nature, it brings peace of mind and

Early November 2020, Directors, Roger Shadlock and Janine Packman helped to plant 360 sapling trees in the newly formed Greendale Residents Associatio­n, Newchurch. Furthermor­e, Tricketts has secured additional land capacity working with a local charity to support its commitment to plant 1,000 trees in Rossendale in 2021.

We are doing this by donating £1 from every insurance policy sold in 2021 to planting trees in Rossendale.

 ??  ?? if you want an insurance quote call: 01706 212231
if you want an insurance quote call: 01706 212231

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