Rossendale Free Press



WHAT you’ve been saying on our Facebook page: ● BRAVE challenge for PTSD veteran Graham Limb who struggles to leave home (May 28):

Lindzi M Marie: I suffer from the same thing, it is just horrible and completely taken over my life so what this man is doing is just absolutely amazing x

Kelly Reeves: Good luck with your challenge

- will keep an eye out while I’m walking/ running round the valley

● MORE than 600 Rossendale pupils across two secondary and two primary schools were ordered to self-isolate after Covid outbreaks (May 26):

Lynsey Perkins: All these poor kids missing even more time in education

Emma Duddridge: My daughter’s school is closed and they are doing zoom classes so nothing has been missed and hopefully it’s only 4 days and they will go back after half term

● HASLINGDEN High School had to close from May 25 due to an outbreak of the virus among its cohort (May 28):

Debbie Harvey: Omg Michelle Louise: Lots of schools in Rossendale had year groups close today.

Charlotte Burke: I’m going to be the one that defends the kids instead of blaming them here. Most won’t have been vaccinated yet and possibly some of their parents too, so is anyone really shocked there’s Covid outbreaks amongst young people? What was the alternativ­e - keep them off school for even longer? Away from friends and a proper education? They’re kids - their lives should be carefree and they should be enjoying themselves, can we really blame them for this? I mean, look at how a lot of the adult population has behaved throughout the pandemic.

Maybe children should have been vaccinated before going back? I don’t know, but let’s give them a break here - it’s not their fault. Lots of them are probably as gutted as anyone that they’re back to home learning. I know I would be

Stuart Green: Bank holiday weekend, then half term? And you say a break in transmissi­on? Abdul Swammad Khan: They’re kids for goodness sake. They’ve been through a traumatic year and folk on here critical of them attending a park! Or walking side by side! Good decision by the school. Essentiall­y a two-week circuit breaker.

Rob Lucas: Time to just get on with life and live with it like every other illness

Julie Marie Cullane: Time to get rid of the highly unreliable lateral flow tests that everyone is currently relying on. Michelle Shelly Lord: Why on earth blame the kids - how many hundreds of thousands have attended sporting events, protests, award ceremonies, parties etc?

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