Rossendale Free Press

‘Landmark win’ in business rates courtroom battle

Council bidding to collect tax on empty property

- STUART PIKE @stuartpike­78

COUNCIL bosses have hailed a “landmark victory” following a Supreme Court appeal ruling concerned with establishi­ng liability for payment of business rates on unoccupied properties.

The judgement in Hurstwood Properties (A) Ltd and Others (respondent­s) vs Rossendale Borough Council and another (appellants), was summarised by Lord Briggs.

Owners are liable to pay business rates on unoccupied properties as an incentive to bring them back into use - other than under exceptiona­l circumstan­ces, including when the company is in liquidatio­n.

Lord Briggs said this exception had given rise to various business rates avoidance schemes.

The court allowed the local authoritie­s’ appeal - which means the matter can now go forward for trial at the High Court, arguing that their case “was not bound to fail”.

It comes after companies, including Hurstwood, were previously successful before the Court of Appeal in arguing that leases granted to Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) were not “sham” leases.

Lord Briggs, however, said that the SPVs had no real or practical ability to bring an empty property back into use, were to have no assets, staff, business or active existence of any kind.

A Rossendale council spokespers­on said: “We are extremely pleased with the Supreme Court’s decision.

“The judgement landmark victory councils nationally.

“During what have been difficult times for local authoritie­s, it is is a for clear that schemes like this have deprived numerous local authoritie­s of significan­t sums of money for front-line services.”

The council said they will always act to collect business rates in line with our statutory duties.

The spokespers­on added: “Non-domestic rates liability is determined by a multiplier set by central government and a property valuation set by the valuation office agency.

“Local councils collect the rates but do not decide how much is payable. The tax that we do collect contribute­s towards the cost of services provided locally.

“We are delighted with this outcome which will allow us to take the next step in collecting monies that may be owed.”

A spokespers­on for Hurstwood Holdings said: “Hurstwood has successful­ly won two previous trials at the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

“The Supreme Court ruled in favour of Hurstwood on one out of two points.

“It is disappoint­ing that the Supreme Court found one point to be a triable issue, but the only outcome of this is that the matter reverts back to the High Court for a full trial.

“We are confident that once the full facts and evidence are placed before the court they will find in our favour, and do not believe that the council should be risking public money to fight cases of this nature.”

They added: “Chris Perrin of Addleshaw Goddard is acting on behalf of Hurstwood, as well as 28 other companies, as it is one of two test claims chosen, although Hurstwood only carries a minority exposure.

“Crucially, the Court didn’t say that leases to SPVs can’t be used.

“Acting on behalf of its clients, Addleshaw Goddard is urging the government to reform the rates system for empty properties.”

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