Rugby World



EVER HEARD of recovery or smoothie bowls? Our nutritioni­st James Morehen believes they are the next big thing in elite nutrition.

“They are a brilliant way to add in key nutrients depending on what the day or session looks like,” he says. “They are similar to smoothies but a lot cheaper than the ones you get at the shops!” He thinks they would make a perfect, pre-prepared breakfast addition.

Regular readers know that we preach this a lot but for the uninitiate­d: the golden commandmen­t for breakfast is to ensure that you take protein on board. When you sleep, it’s the longest period of the day that you go without

“The golden co mmandment f o r breakfast is take

o n p r o t e i n”

consuming any protein, so it’s vital you get a good source in first thing.

Later in the day, on competitio­n or heavy days, is another time you could have a smoothie bowl – like the green tea bowl recipe to the right – alongside lunch or dinner. For example, your pre-match meal on Saturday could be a chicken pasta bake and then this bowl.

Some people like to do their exercise early in the mornings, particular­ly on recovery days after a gruelling match. According to Alex Adams of Performanc­e Pro gym, low-intensity, aerobic recovery sessions can be done after fasting but only for 30-40 minutes max. He advises that fat-burning sessions should only last that long too.

If you do an early recovery session, Adams recommends ‘beach weights’ – isolated movements that enhance blood flow to specific areas (like the arms). You can add body-weight exercises too.

Many people have busy lives and the early morning is often the easiest time to fit in a gym session. Is this

advised and if so, what should we eat beforehand?

APeak testostero­ne levels in the morning may help some, but not everyone does well lifting weights first thing, High cortisol and lack of fast-acting energy substrates can make lifting tough. If I was advising a client I’d suggest two options. Either do fasted, moderate-intensity sessions for aerobic training and fat loss, limiting this to 30-40 minutes. Or take in some branch-chain amino acids and have an espresso in order to perform strength and hypertroph­y work, even taking on carbs in the later stages of a 60-minute session.

 ??  ?? Recovery work Springbok Jesse Kriel
Recovery work Springbok Jesse Kriel

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