Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Reduce duty on fuel to help the economy

- Howard Cox Founder of the FairFuelUK campaign

FAIRFUELUK has asked the new Chancellor and his Treasury ministers to go further and be bolder than his predecesso­r at No 11.

He needs to act positively on what all economists agree, that lower vehicle fuel costs are indeed a huge boost to the UK’s economy.

Today a letter was delivered by hand to the Treasury and to the Office Of The Prime Minister.

In the letter FairFuelUK’s evidence based campaign demands of the new Chancellor are as follows:

Cut fuel duty on all fuels by 3p to match, more closely those of other developed nations.

Cut VAT on all fuels to 15% – to soften the punitive and hugely unpopular double taxation currently in place.

Set up an ‘OfPump’ monitoring body for fairer and more transparen­t pricing at the pumps in order to halt the rocket and feather pricing lottery millions of drivers expe- rience every day.

Introduce more incentives for motorists to move to cleaner fuels.

It’s now time for the new Treasury administra­tion to practise what they endorse.

Back in 2014 they said, lower fuel duty benefits the economy by boosting GDP.

Such a widely popular cut in duty and VAT will also resonate profoundly with those families the Prime Minister addressed directly on the day she took office.

Those families she said that are ‘just managing’, ‘working around the clock’, ‘doing their best’ and where ‘life can be a struggle.

It’s time for the Government to truly deliver on the PM’s laudable intentions and help millions of hard working families, small businesses and the haulage industry to prosper.

By doing so, the UK Economy will thrive after Brexit.’

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