Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Woman is facing £10k medical bill after diagnosis

Christine Yang, was told by doctors that she had cervical cancer while she was on holiday in the UK with her partner Danny Dunn, from Runcorn


A35-YEAR-OLD woman’s dream holiday turned into a nightmare when she was told she has cancer – and must pay up to £10,000 for life-saving treatment.

Christine Yang arrived in the UK from her home in China for her first visit with her partner Danny Dunn, from Runcorn.

The couple had only intended to stay in the UK for three weeks before travelling back to Beijing, but due to the lockdown, they were left with no choice but to stay in England.

Christine, 35, first went to the doctors after she began feeling ill in May, and underwent a series of tests at Warrington Hospital.

The results of a biopsy confirmed that Christine has cervical cancer, and she was transferre­d to Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

Due to the size of the tumour, Danny, 30, said they were told Christine may need to have her womb removed.

However, to doctors’ surprise following a further examinatio­n, they found the tumour had dramatical­ly reduced in size.

This means Christine must now wait for the results of more tests to determine what surgery she will need and whether her womb will need to be removed.

The couple have spoken out in the hope of raising money for Christine’s treatment, which will cost thousands of pounds due to her not being a UK citizen.

Danny said: “We came over to see my family. I’m a musician and I’ve been working away.

“It was Chinese New Year and Christine has never been to the UK before, so we came here for a holiday and then the country went into lockdown.

“About eight weeks ago Christine had a little health scare and we decided we needed to go to the hospital and speak to a doctor.

“When we went to the doctors the first time, they asked for £1,000 up front.”

Danny said they decided against the tests at first, due to the cost, but a week later, when Christine’s symptoms worsened, they returned to the hospital.

He said: “When they did the first examinatio­n, they found a tumour.

“They took away a piece of it for a biopsy and that’s when they told us it was positive for cervical cancer.

“It came as a huge shock to both of us.”

Danny said: “Fortunatel­y the cancer hasn’t spread and it was found early enough to cure her.”

He added: “Christine has been phenomenal. She was scared when they first gave her the news but she bounced back and was like ‘it’s okay, we can fight it.’”

Danny said: “They don’t want to remove the womb unless it’s the only option.”

At the same time as dealing with the diagnosis, both Christine and Danny have lost their jobs and, due to the mounting costs of hospital appointmen­ts and treatment, Christine has had to give up her apartment in Beijing.

They now face costs of up to £10,000 for Christine’s treatment and a new visa.

To raise money for the treatment, Danny has set up a Go Fund Me page.

Danny said: “The support we have received so far has been incredible.”

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