Runner's World (UK)

Injury-free In Just 10 Minutes Give a little, get a lot

Get stronger and avoid injury postrun with this 10-minute stability workout


WHEN JAY CARDIELLO ran as an amateur track athlete at university, he never took the time to work on the postrun extras that keep a body healthy. ‘After a workout, I just wanted to go home,’ he says. ‘I ended up with a cracked tailbone, which cut my college career short.’ As Cardiello rehabbed his back, he noted the muscular weaknesses and imbalances that had contribute­d to his fracture. He resumed running with a new a commitment to staying strong and balanced.

Cardiello wants runners to benefit from all he’s learned on the road to recovery. His goal is to help runners go faster and further – without getting hurt. That’s why he created this 10-minute postrun routine to build stability. The workout, designed by Cardiello specifical­ly for

Runner’s World, is short, simple and doesn’t require much space or any equipment. Do the stability routine shown on the pages that follow after an easy run. The 20 moves feature core and one-legged strength work. ‘Investing just 10 minutes will make you stronger and also happier,’ says Cardiello, below left, now a strength and conditioni­ng coach who works with sports teams and celebritie­s. ‘You’ll enjoy running more, knowing you are taking care of your body.’

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