Runner's World (UK)

Entering every race


Bloggers and other influencer­s often receive free race entries in exchange for promoting the event, which explains their frequent participat­ion. But marathons and half marathons put enough stress on your body that racing more than a few each year increases your injury risk, says Warrenburg. And to do your best you need time to build mileage and taper beforehand, then recover afterward, adds Hamilton.

INSTEAD If you’re aiming for your fastest time, cut back to a maximum of two marathons per year, with four to five months in between, says Warrenburg. Newer runners should stop at three half marathons per year, while those with more experience could do four, notes Hamilton. Most runners can do shorter races more frequently – a 10K about every eight weeks or a 5K every six weeks. You can toe the line more often if you use events as training runs, says Warrenburg. But that strategy won’t work if you can’t maintain control when you pin on a bib.

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