Runner's World (UK)

Hitting all the groups


Crossfit on Monday. A group track session on Tuesday. Spin class on Wednesday. A packed schedule guarantees an Insta-feed full of #squadgoals photos. But if you keep it up, you’ll soon be posting updates from the physio’s office. Going hard daily is tough on the body and increases your risk of injury and illness, says Hamilton.

INSTEAD Use the motivating power of groups. For things like track sessions, choose partners close to your fitness level and finish feeling tired but not totally spent, advises Warrenburg. Alternate hard workout days of all kinds with easy or rest days, says Hamilton. High-intensity cross-training can replace hard runs when you don't have a race coming up, says Warrenburg, but in the final eight to 12 weeks before a goal event, focus on hard running workouts targeted to the distance you’re racing.

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