Runner's World (UK)



If you’re a new parent, for example, running might temporaril­y take a back seat. ‘The quicker you can make running part of what you do again, the better,’ says Warrenburg. Book training time into your schedule, preferably first thing in the morning, before conflicts arise. If your layoff involved giving birth, remember that your body has been through a huge transforma­tion; but, says running coach Megan Lizotte, don’t fret that you’re too fragile to run unless your doctor advises against it. Do, however, build in time for hipand core-strengthen­ing exercises (bridges, planks and donkey kicks) to reduce injury risk. And for all new parents – or others in a temporaril­y sleepdepri­ved state – give yourself some leeway; for instance, take an extra day or two of rest or easy running each week, and consider trading some miles for sleep if you feel completely wiped out.

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