Runner's World (UK)



‘That it’s bad for your knees – rubbish! It’s fantastic for bone density, especially as we ladies get older!’

Angie Walsh

‘It took me a few months to pluck up the courage to go to my local parkrun, as I was worried that everyone would be looking at me and judging me for being too slow. Wish I had started sooner now.’

Alison Broughton

‘That if I ran, I could eat what I wanted without putting on weight. Not true!’

Claire Casswell

‘That I was too old to start. Didn’t run till I was in my forties and I’ve never felt better now I’m in my fifties!’

Lou Drinkald ‘That it’s boring. It’s not. That feeling when you beat your PB!’

Dawn Pickett Skeates

‘That it gets easier. It doesn’t; you just get faster/stronger, then you work harder to get faster/stronger again. Also, that all sports bras are the same. Nope. Nope. Nope.’

Salome Maybanks ‘That you can “run off” an injury. No you can’t, not ever!’

Susan Edwards

‘That I couldn’t run. I was 40 and not at all fit when I started, but I’ve run lots of half marathons and completed a marathon in the four years since.’

Louise Vernon

‘“This will be my last half marathon” – said so many times and I keep doing another.’ Megan Wallace

‘That I could not do it! Started off with half a mile and then ran the London Marathon in 2017 – and with arthritis in my knees!’

Sara Jarvis

Victorian railway bridge that I pass under and the sight of engineers breaking the ground for HS2.

The countrysid­e changes each time I run (currently twice a week), and I arrive at work euphoric and ready for the day.

Glad you enjoyed it, Christine. Here’s hoping more of us turn to run-commuting in the weeks and months to come.

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