Rutherglen Reformer

What you’ve read this week...


There was lots of chat on our social media sites this week, especially about the quality of the new street lights on Rutherglen Main Street. Here’s what you had to say: “Not a chance. Way too dark now x”- Jim Mulholland (via Facebook)

“Defo dark i go to work at nyt and now am scared going out cos its so creepy and u cant even see any holes thats on pavements”Bernadette Tait (via Facebook)

“I was driving along the Main St last night thinking what have they done to the lights? Definitely not bright enough!”- David Brown (via Facebook)

“I’m on kings park avenue and since the lighting has changed there’s been a couple of crashes and we don’t feel safe walking at night. It’s far too dark.”- Stephanie Doherty (via Facebook)

“The LED lighting is bad in these streets. I stay in Fernhill and every winter there is always a fault whereby there is NO lighting at all for at least a full week in the whole street. SLC never seem to think it’s dangerous!”-Valerie Clelland (via Facebook)

“I prefer the new lights. It did seem darker when they first installed them but once you get used to the fact its just not overly bright with outdated orange you actually realise these new LED’s offer much better visablitiy. You can see clearly down the road now (same direction as the photo) and can see people walking down. I’ve lived in the same house on main street for 25 years and feel now I can see peopleas faces clearer at night. There was an incident just last week in the early hours and I could make out everyones faces very clearly whereas with the crappy orange glow I could not as it would make their faces muddy and unclear.”- Iain McDougall (via Facebook)

“Well just wait til next year when they switch them off 15 minutes early and put them on 15 minutes later in the morning to save money!!!!!” - Alice Dempster (via Facebook)

“We have just had these lights installed and I think they are far better, much clearer. I think they are a big improvemen­t.”- Elaine Nicol (via Facebook)

“half the time , they are on all day, What a Waste of money”- Margaret Brown (via Facebook)

“Way to dark. Go to kings park and see the difference between Glasgow and slc.”- Mhairi Louise Crolla (via Facebook)

“They are far too dark. Going to cause an accident”- Mandy Maclean (via Twitter)

We ran a poll on the recently published Smith Commission report, and a whopping 94 per cent of you were unhappy with the findings. Here’s what you said: “can’t understand how 14% are happy with it?” - Iain Wilson (via Twitter)

Our tour of Cuningar Loop also prompted a response:

“kids need a cinema not a bike track!!! Or something’s more in door!!! Waste a money!!!”Sonia Tamburrini (via Facebook)

Finally, there was praise for little David Stevenson, who made our front page last week after spending his savings on advent calendars for the local foodbank:

“What a great kid, family must be so proud” - Jim Mulholland (via Facebook)

Go to Rutherglen­Reformer or RuglenRefo­rmer and get involved in the debate. Our top stories on social media last week were:

1. Residents hit out at new lighting

2. Young lad spends savings on advent calendars for foodbank

3. First look at work on Cuningar Loop

4. Halfway Christmas lights switch-on

5. New cycle route through towns I would like an Xbox from Santa.

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