Rutherglen Reformer

Blair did not take the country to war on a lie says Lord McAvoy

- Douglas Dickie

Lord McAvoy has described the Chilcot Report as “devastatin­g” but he insists the country did not go to war on a lie.

Sir John Chilcot last week published his findings after an eight year inquiry into the Iraq War in 2003.

Lord McAvoy was MP for Rutherglen when the war started, as well as being a leading government whip at the time.

He voted in favour of military action and he insists the world is a better place without Saddam Hussien.

In an in- depth interview with the Reformer, Lord McAvoy said he understand­s the anger felt by the families of soldiers killed in the conflict but he defends Tony Blair and says the Chilcot Report clears him of having deliberate­ly misled parliament.

Lord McAvoy said: “The report is pretty devastatin­g in parts in terms of what the government should have done at the time, but it does not take into account the circumstan­ces at the time.

“What I am drawing from it is that Blair did not lie, even though popular opinion and the mass media have taken to calling him a liar.

“Secondly, it does not say the evidence was ‘sexed up’, as the saying goes. Those are two big conclusion­s.

“The popular attack is that he led us into war and he forced through this war. I was a government whip at that time and I testify that I did not pressurise anyone to vote in favour of it.

“The whips were under instructio­n not to pressure people. War is the most important decision we can make and there had to be a genuine decision.

“Blair was the first prime minister in history to turnover his prime minister’s prerogativ­e. He turned the decision over to the House of Commons, and he does not get enough credit for that.

“The biggest issue seemed to be that the US and UK government­s did not go back for a second UN resolution. But they had already found he (Saddam Hussein) had material breaches of the first resolution.

“Russia made it clear they would veto a second resolution.”

The peer did criticise Tony Blair for not involving his cabinet more in the decision making, and also slams the Americans for their lack of forward planning.

But he is adamant Hussein was a danger: “There is a view, encouraged by the media, that everything was lovely in Iraq before 2003.

“In the 1990s Saddam’s Republican Guard killed between 30,000 and 40,000 Shia’s. In addition to that in southern Iraq there is a people called the Marsh Arabs. Saddam Hussein persecuted them and drained their land so they could not make a living. He used chemical weapons against Iran.

“Just this week you had the Kurdish ambassador to the UK saying the Kurds would be eternally grateful to the British for overthrowi­ng Saddam Hussein.

“The invasion of 2003 stopped him carrying out more atrocities.

“There was a village in northern Iraq called Halabja, it was Kurdish and he used chemical weapons on 3,500 people - men, women, children and babies. There are videos of babies actually foaming at the mouth.

“The sectarian divisions did not start in 2003.

“I think the world is a better place without him. Where responsibi­lity lies heavily on the UK and US, and I would have liked to take the Americans to task over this more, was the post invasion strategy.

“The Americans removed the police and army, all the organisati­ons of power. They should have had a better strategy and we should have argued more.”

Speaking about the families of soldiers who lost their lives, Lord McAvoy said he hoped the report would bring them some closure.

He added: “I don’t know how I would feel if someone from my family was killed in war. Would I blame those who sent them? Or those who killed them?

“There could be nothing worse than someone being killed for circumstan­ces they do not understand. “I can understand their anger because it is quite clear now that there were mistakes, but I’m not so sure if those mistakes weren’t made if it would have altered the decision to go to war.”

 ??  ?? Under pressure Former PM Tony Blair has come in for extreme criticism since the publicatio­n of the Chilcot Report
Under pressure Former PM Tony Blair has come in for extreme criticism since the publicatio­n of the Chilcot Report
 ??  ?? Devastatin­g Lord McAvoy of Rutherglen has reacted to the Chilcot Report
Devastatin­g Lord McAvoy of Rutherglen has reacted to the Chilcot Report

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