Rutherglen Reformer

Green light to social housing

Associatio­n undertakin­g £4.5m project

- Douglas Dickie

Rutherglen and Cambuslang Housing Associatio­n will build their first social homes in over two years after permission was given for a £ 4.5million project in Rutherglen.

Councillor­s on a planning committee yesterday, Tuesday , approved the creation of 21 flats and 16 cottage flats on the site of the former Glenroyal Nursery on Cathcart Road.

The homes will be primarily for elderly and disabled tenants.

Ruther glen and Cambuslang Housing Associatio­n currently has nearly 700 people on their waiting lists. In August, we reported that the current wait for a home was 14 years.

The Scottish Government are providing £2.5m of funding for the project.

Robert M cL eary, chairman of the associatio­n, told the Reformer: “We are delighted we have got the funding to take this project forward.

“This will certainly be a start to eating into our housing list.

“The last project we had was over two years ago in Halfway. Because of a reduction in subsidies we had not been able to build but the Scottish Government has now increased the subsidy levels. The other issue we have had is finding sites like this one.

“Our aim is to target mainly people who are elderly or disabled.”

The plan will comprise a three-storey building for the flats and a two-storey building for the cottage flats.

There was some opposition to the plans from local residents and six letters of objection were submitted.

However, council officers advised the committee that the developmen­t would have “minimal impact on the amenity of the surroundin­g area,” and complied with the local plan.

And Robert feels the project would actually improve the area.

“The site was an old nursery which has been derelict for a number of years,” he said.

“That in itself is causing problems and we will bring it back into use.”

 ??  ?? New homes The site of the former Glenroyal Nursery is to be bulldozed
New homes The site of the former Glenroyal Nursery is to be bulldozed

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