Rutherglen Reformer

No place like home or get away from it all?

What has been your best holiday?

- Edel Kenealy

Ruglonians turned their thoughts to days out and trips away last Wednesday as families celebrated the first day of the school holidays.

But before most locals jetted off to sunnier climes, the Reformer took the opportunit­y to ask them what their best holiday has been.

For many it was far flung places, whilst others thought there was no better place to enjoy than bonnie Scotland.

Sylvia Leonard said: “America is my favourite place to visit. We have covered a lot of it in the last 20 years.

“I like the people, the places, everything about it.

“The next trip is to Australia though to see my daughter and her family.”

One of Helen Morrison’s favourite trips was also to see family.

“The best holiday I have been on is Singapore,” she said.

“I think it was last year we were in Singapore. I have a son out there. It’s not cheap, but I would recommend it.”

But Alan Kirkwood said he prefers a staycation.

He said: “On my days off I prefer to stay at home. I don’t see why we go to other countries if the weather is good here. If the weather is good there is nowhere better than Scotland. Leona Stewart agreed. “We’ve gone to Fife and St Andrews,” she said. “I like it there. We usually stay in caravans and visit the beach.”

I prefer to stay at home.. if the weather is good there is nowhere better than Scotland Alan Kirkwood

 ??  ?? St Andrews Leona Stewart
St Andrews Leona Stewart
 ??  ?? Singapore Helen Morrison
Singapore Helen Morrison
 ??  ?? Staycation Alan Kirkwood
Staycation Alan Kirkwood
 ??  ?? America Sylvia Leonard
America Sylvia Leonard

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