Rutherglen Reformer

Kids’ plea started journey to health

- Marc McLean

“We don’t want you to die mum.”

Those pleading words from her concerned young children, Max and Sam, hit home hard for Alison Parkes.

They were aged only seven and six at the time, while her youngest child Ellie had arrived only a few months earlier.

Her kids’ fears were enough to make the Cambuslang woman give up smoking for good in March 2012.

But the Cambuslang woman was faced with more health problems when she piled on weight - and was then diagnosed with fibromyalg­ia.

The health scare, coupled with not being able to fit into any of her clothes, moved Alison into action once again.

In January last year, the mum joined Weight Watchers to slim down and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Up until that point, Alison admits her diet regularly consisted of McDonald’s or KFC for lunch, a Frosties with full fat milk for breakfast, and snacking on chocolate, crisps or cake.

Alison said: “I was unhealthy and very unhappy. I hated going out and socialisin­g with people as I felt uncomforta­ble with the way I looked.

“I knew that I had to do something about it, not just for my kids but also for me.

“I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror or bear to get photograph­s taken. I wanted to be healthier so I could set a good example for my kids and feel happier within myself.

“I wanted to be able to keep up with them and not keep making excuses for not wanting to go for that walk or play at the park.”

Alison attended Weight Wa t c h e r s m e e t i n g s in Cambuslang and East Kilbride, crediting coach Kirsty Foy as being a huge support and “very welcoming”.

It took a leap of confidence to attend her first meeting, but Alison’s perseveran­ce has paid off big time. She said: “Making that first step was hard but it was also one of the best decisions I have ever made.

“I have lost to date 50lbs and been at goal since the end of March this year, so I have been on my journey for 18 months and I feel fantastic.

“The kids can no longer say, ‘come on mum keep up’ or ‘she will never be able to climb the chute never mind fit down it!’”

Gone is the fast food, high sugar snacks, and processed junk foods from Alison’s diet.

Instead, her typical daily diet includes nutritious but tasty alternativ­es such as Greek yoghurt, fruit, and freshly prepared chicken salad.

Alison said: “It’s not been an easy 18 months and I’ve had my fair share of disappoint­ments when I’ve not lost weight.

“But here I am 50lbs down and dropping from bursting out of a size 16 and being able to wear a size eight with pride.

“It’s such an amazing feeling. So much so that I decided after clerking at my own meetings that I wanted to go a step further and train to become a Weight Watchers coach.

“I want to give people that same encouragem­ent that my coach has given me during my weight loss journey - and I want to inspire people into believing that their goals are achievable.”

The weight loss has also had resulted in Alison having fewer flare-ups from her fibromyalg­ia health condition.

The healthier, happier mum will begin running weekly Weight Watchers meetings in Rutherglen fromnext week.

Alison’s class in Ruther Hall, will be held every Wednesday at 10am, with the first taking place on July 25.

Plans are also in the pipeline for a Monday night class in Halfway, but the details are still being finalised.

 ??  ?? Before Alison pictured with son Max when she was overweight. But now she’s looking like a new woman thanks to her amazing weight loss (right)
Before Alison pictured with son Max when she was overweight. But now she’s looking like a new woman thanks to her amazing weight loss (right)

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