Rutherglen Reformer

Thought for the Week


This year the Sanderson family had their summer holiday on the beautiful island of Mull and the week was spent wandering over hillsides and along beaches in glorious sunshine.

As we gazed on the spectacula­r scenery, watched Golden Eagles soaring through the sky, saw a Sea Eagle perched above its nest with the two chicks flapping their wings in preparatio­n for their first flight, watched a Great Spotted Woodpecker climb a tree and shared a sandy beach with a herd of Highland Cattle, we could only marvel at the amazing world in which we live.

As Louis Armstrong once sang, ‘What a wonderful world.’

Being on holiday, being away from the pressures of work or daily living, being in a new or different place perhaps makes it easier to be more appreciati­ve of the world in which we live but that should not prevent us from recognisin­g and giving thanks for the beauty that surrounds us each and every day of our lives – the beauty and diversity of the birds and flowers we perhaps see on a daily basis, the splendour of a mighty tree, and most importantl­y, the beauty we can see in others – not just physical beauty but the beauty we see in an act of kindness, an act of generosity, an act of compassion, an act of love.

May we all take a moment to appreciate this world we live in – may we all keep the words Louis Armstrong sang upon our lips – ‘What a wonderful world’. John Sanderson, Minister, Rutherglen United Reformed Church

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